    Car seat pin clamping apparatus design
    Abstract:Machining clamp is an indispensable component in machine tool technology, high speed, high efficiency, precision, to complex, intelligence, environmental protection direction drive, fixture technology is towards to high precision, high efficiency, module, combination, general, economic development.With the development of machinery industry, special fixture is valued by people more and more. Special special fixture is characterized by convenient clamping, positioning accuracy, and the modern mass production to adapt, becomes the modern machinery manufacturing industry development direction.The car seat pin clamping apparatus design refers to the completion of the automobile seat pin fixed location of a device. In accordance with the car seat pin shaft clamping device accuracy requirements and process flow, compare and discuss the different options to the accuracy of processing and technology principle. The scheme and scheme comparison of two, from the two kinds of design methods in the practical aspects of rationality and practice starting options two design, thereby addressing scheme brings fixture deviation. In this paper, first introduced the research purpose and significance of this design, and then introduces the present situation and trends, followed by introduction of modern fixture types and requirements, finally this design calculation content, including the spring design, parameter selection, selection of cylinder pin check etc..

     KeyWords:Fixture; Spring; Cylinder

    2013届本科生毕业设计(论文)    0
    1绪论    4
    1.1 研究夹具的目的和意义    4
    1.1.1保证加工质量    4
    1.1.2提高生产效率,降低生产成本    4
    1.1.3扩大机床工艺范围    4
    1.1.4减轻工人劳动强度,保证安全生产    4
    1.2 研究课题的国内外现状和发展趋势    5
    1.2.1功能柔性化    5
    1.2.2结构标准化、模块化    5
    1.2.2精密化    5
    1.2.2高效、自动化    5
    1.3 主要研究内容、需要解决的关键问题和思路    5
    1.3.1 夹具的设计:    5
    1.3.2 夹紧装置要求    6
    1.3.3 常用的夹紧装置    7
    1.3.4防止或减少变形的方案    12
    1.3.5 双齿轮结构和单轴结构的比较    14
    1.3.6 弹簧的设计    15
    2设计过程    20
    2.1齿轮的计算    20
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