    Modular machine tool and special fixture design
    Abstract:The graduation project task is to understand the structural characteristics and the advantages and disadvantages of the combination of machine tool and fixture design content and related data, complete the crankshaft end milling to center punch combination machine tools and special fixture design, and the design of the subject, to improve their theoretical Contact practical and comprehensive analysis, training the mechatronics design capabilities; establish a modern design concepts to improve the basic skills of computer-aided design and access design data, standards and norms.
      The process of the crankshaft Part crank spindle centerline location request, processing to the hair two spindle cylindrical surface positioning the first end milling machining center hole, after coarse positioning of both end surfaces of the center hole, finishing each axis the surface, and finally coarse and fine grinding of the journal.
      In the design process of the jig, the crankshaft in the V-shaped block and positioning pins to locate, with the rotary platen clamping. Hydraulic clamping mechanism for clamping fixture.

    Key Words:Crankshaft machining; Modular machine tool design; Special fixture design
    1 绪论6
    1.1.2 课题的技术要求6
    1.2 组合机床的概念6
    1.3 组合机床的加工方式6
    1.4 组合机床的发展史7
    1.5 组合机床部件分类7
    1.6 曲轴结构的特点8
    1.7 曲轴的工艺特征8
    1.8 组合机床的结构特点9
    1.9 S195-05006曲轴材料及毛坯10
    1.10 设计卧式组合机床的理由10
    1.11 机床设计概述11
    2 论文主体11
    2.1.1 曲轴零件的技术要求11
    2.1.2 曲轴零件工艺规程的制定12
    2.1.3 工艺路线的拟定12
    2.1.4 毛坯机械加工余量及工序尺寸确定13
    2.1.5 切削力的计算15
    2.1.6 铣端面打中心孔组合机床配置型式的选择16
    2.1.7 被加工零件工序图16
    2.1.8 被加工零件加工示意图17
    2.2 床身的设计19
    2.2.1 组合机床联系尺寸图的绘制19
    2.2.2 组合机床配置型式21
    2.2.3 加工示意图的作用和内容23
    2.3 专用夹具设计24
    2.3.1 组合机床专用夹具的特点25
    2.3.2 夹具定位支撑系统25
    2.3.3 工件定位方案25
    2.3.4 定位误差分析26
    2.3.5 夹紧机构27
    2.3.6 夹紧元件选择27
    2.3.7 夹紧动力部件的确定27
    2.3.8 夹紧力的计算28
    2.3.6 铣床夹具设计要点29
    3 结论31
    4 致谢32
    5 参考文献33,3814
    1 绪论
    1.1 课题目的和技术要求
    1.1.1 课题的目的
    查阅相关资料,了解组合机床和夹具的结构特点和优缺点,结合设计内容和相关数据,完成曲轴铣端面打中心孔组合机床及专用夹具设计 并通过该课题设计,提高理论联系实际和综合分析能力,培养机电一体化的设计能力;树立现代设计理念,提高计算机辅助设计和查阅设计资料、标准及规范等基本技能。
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