    摘 要:本设计为规格;Φ1300x1800反击式破碎机的设计,着重于破碎机的计算设计转子主轴的结构设计、轴上装配方案设计、各部件的强度计
    ABSTRACT: The design for the specification; Φ1300x1800 crusher design, focusing on the structural design of the rotor shaft design and calculation of structural design, plating and fixation hammer crusher.
    The design from the start by the rotor model, refer to the relevant parameters PF1318 impact crusher, initially determine the rotor speed to determine speed, plate hammer size, number and other relevant data. It completed the overall design of the rotor structure in ensuring the productivity and crushing premise of size, and then the rotor diameter and various length, determine the design of the design of the crusher rotor of each major component.
    In the design of the main components, including pulley design calculations, design structure design shaft, bearing selection, calculation of rotor components, board hammer structure and fixed, the most important thing is the design of the rotor assembly and all major force component calculation and checking. In order to increase the stiffness of the rotor, and taking into account the length of the rotor particularity of this design PF1318 crusher rotor body with 35CrMo material, and the whole cast. Embed fixation using plate hammer, and use of new materials to improve their resistance to wear and utilization.  The installation, repair and maintenance of the crusher, which is essential to improve their service life.
       The overall design of the crusher foundation PF Series models, combined with large amounts of data and design manual, complete the overall design of the rotor assembly requirements, with respect to the other series, the simple structure, light weight, small size equipment low cost, safe operation, convenient operation, easy maintenance and management.
    Keywords: impact crusher, rotor, content, structure, calculation
    目 录
    前 言    1
    1反击式破碎机的介绍    2
    1.1反击式破碎机的构造    2
    1.1.1 PF系列反击式破碎机    2
    1.1.2 PFC系列细碎反击式破碎机    2
    1.1.3 HPF系列液压反击式破碎机    3
    1.1.4 HCP(A)/ HCS(A)系列反击式破碎机    3
    1.2反击式破碎机的工作原理     3
    1.2.1反击式破碎机的工作原理    4
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