    行业已成为我国的重要的产业。CPU 封装生产物流的运作效率的提高可大大提高
    PU 生产线的效率,减少不必要的浪费,提高生产企业的生产效率。仿真技术可
    提高决策者的工作效率,并且能对系统中不确定因素进行分析。在 CPU 生产中运
    PU 生产线中运用的重要意义,并提出利用 Arena 仿真软件建立相关模型,来进
    行 CPU 封装生产线的仿真。随后进行了 CPU 生产线流程分析,并重点对封装环节
    文章先设定仿真的目标,并且假设一个仿真案例,然后利用 Arena 仿真软件进行
    Title   The  modeling and Simulation  of production line
    logistics system based on Arena
    With the development of the electronics industry, the demand for and
    production of the CPU chip are increasing continually. The improvement in
    efficiency of the operation of the CPU package production logistics can
    greatly improve the efficiency of the CPU production line,to reduce
    unnecessary  waste and improve  the productivity of manufacturing
    enterprises. Simulation technology  can improve the efficiency of the
    decision makers. The application of simulation technology to the CPU
    production helps the systematic analysis, and address the influence of
    random factors in the production process. Therefore, using the simulation
    technology to study the optimization of CPU production logistics system
    has very important practical and theoretical significance.
    The essay first introduces the theory of production logistics and the
    basic knowledge of simulation, analyzes the importance of the use of
    simulation technology in the CPU production line, and proposes the use
    of Arena to build related models to simulate the CPU package production
    line. Different options and different parameters are run after the model
    is built. Finally the essay compares different options and the situations
    of the different parameters in the same project according to the analysis
    of the operating results.  
    Key word:  CPU production line; ARENA; The simulation; Logistics; Seal;
    1  绪论   1
    1.1 研究的课题及其意义    1
    1.2 国内外研究现状及其发展趋势    2
    1.3 研究方法及内容安排    4
    1.4 本章小结    5
    2  仿真的基本原理   6
    2.1 仿真的概述    6
    2.1.1 仿真的定义及原理   6
    3)仿真的特点 .  6
    2.1.2 仿真的用途   7
    2.1.3 仿真的基本问题和内容   7
    2.1.4 仿真的基本步骤   9
    2.2  Arena概述.  11
    2.2.1 Arena基本建模过程    11
    2.2.2Arena 仿真的基本术语   11
    2.2.3 Arena模拟仿真软件的优点    12
    2.2.4 常用模块 .  14
    2.3 本章小结  .  17
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