    关键词  小口径  普通弹  弹头  弹壳
    Title    The Design of a New Type of Small-caliber Cartridge 
    This paper analyzes and calculates a new type of small-caliber cartridge.First, do a overall design,then Structural Design.The whole design includes two parts:the warhead and its cartridge cases.First, summarize the characteristics of the cartridges equip in foreign military or PLA,present the tactical and technical indexes;Synthesize the advantages of these cartridge and formulate the type of the cartridge and the structure of its module,draw up the preliminary parameters by simulating the internal ballistics and external ballistics of the small-caliber bullet;Use the initial parameter to design the bullet by piding the warhead’s shape and internal structure into three parts .Design the material and size of the cartridge case.Perform a ballistic calculation,use a computer program to check the internal ballistics and external ballistics at last.
    Keywords  small-caliber  standard cartridge  bullet  cartridge case
    目   次
    1  引言    1
    2  总体结构设计    3
    2.1  弹种的选择    3
    2.2  弹头质量的选择    3
    2.3  外弹道设计    3
    2.4  内弹道设计    6
    3  结构方案确定    7
    3.1  弹丸外形结构    7
    3.1.1  弹丸全长lt    8
    3.1.2  弧形部长度    9
    3.1.3  圆柱部    12
    3.1.4  紧口沟    14
    3.1.5  弹尾部    14
    3.2  弹头内腔结构    16
    3.2.1  弹头壳    16
    3.2.2  铅套    17
    3.3  结构特征量计算    18
    3.4  弹丸发射强度及膛内运动分析    18
    4  弹壳设计    18
    4.1  弹壳材料及各部分尺寸确定    19
    4.1.1  弹壳材料    19
    4.1.2  弹壳瓶形系数    20
    4.1.3  弹壳各部位尺寸的确定    21
    4.2  弹壳设计参数    29
    5  设计完成后的外弹道及内弹道    29
    5.1  内弹道估算    29
    5.2  受力分析计算    32
    5.3  内弹道曲线    34
    结  论    36
    致  谢    38
    1  引言
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