    关键词: 迎宾机器人  结构设计  运动学分析  语音合成  语音识别
    Title  Structural Design of Human-Computer Interactive Movement and   Development of Speech System of the Greeter-Robot
    Greeter-robot refers to one kind of robots which can substitute human being to provide the service of greeting and guidance. It owns various high-level functions as mankind: realization、communication、obstacle avoidance、judgment、decision-making. Greeter-robot can realize some specific movements even a series of intelligent operations via programming under automation without human control. This treatise expatiates the development of the system of speech recognition and synthesis of the greeting robot and the design process of structures of robotic arms and head. The main research contents are pided into the following three parts.
    First, finish the design of the structures of robotic arms and head along with the selection of motors.
    Second, process the kinematics analysis of robotic arms and head through constructing the kinematics model.
    Finally, choose and re-develop the system of speech of recognition and synthesis through analyzing the demands that business expect on greeter-robot to make the system better apply in it.
    Keywords: greeting robot, structural design, kinematics analysis, speech synthesis, speech recognition
    目   次
    1  绪论  1
     1.1迎宾机器人研究的背景及意义  1
     1.2迎宾机器人国内外研究现状  1
     1.3迎宾机器人语音合成技术与识别技术的发展  4
     1.4本文的主要研究内容  5
    2  迎宾机器人头部及机械臂设计  6
     2.1头部及机械臂结构设计  6
     2.2头部及机械臂电机选型 7
     2.3头部及机械臂运动学分析  11
    3  语音合成系统开发 16
     3.1语音合成开发接口重要函数调用 16
     3.2语音合成开发过程 17
    4  语音识别系统开发 19
     4.1语音识别开发接口重要函数调用 19
     4.2语音识别开发过程 20
    5  调试与试验分析 24
    结论 26
    致谢  27
    参考文献 28
    附录A  头部舵机支架二文图  30
    附录B  头部连接件二文图  31
    附录C  机械臂肩部支架二文图  32
    附录D  前臂支架二文图  33
    附录E  语音合成开发流程图  34
    附录F  语音识别开发流程图  35
    1  绪论
    1.1  迎宾机器人研究的背景及意义
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