    本设计对超高压泵进行了分析,主要分析了泵的分类。由于该设计是一个倍增泵的设计,所以对高压腔和低压腔的精度要求和工艺要求非常高。该设计对效率的要求非常高,所以对密封性也提出了较高的要求。其中还有一个比较重要的地方就是溢流阀的设置,因为溢流阀的设置关系到了打压压力的大小,打压压力的大小直接影响到超高压手动泵的工作效率。我对其中的一些结构,例如,柱塞的结构进行了分析和设计,其中还 包括它们的受力分析与计算。还有对缸体的材料挑选以及校核很关键。本设计最后对柱塞泵的工艺性和优缺点进行了分析,其中的重点进行了总结。
    Design and analysis of ultra high pressure pump
    Abstract:The ultra - high - pressure pump is a 200Mpa portable ultra - high - pressure booster pump with a high design requirement. The structure of the ultra - high - pressure booster pump is compact, and its efficiency and reliability are very important. The design of super high pressure hydraulic pump need to meet 4 times up to 200MPa efficiency, in order to achieve the efficiency of the various parts of the seal is very important, if there is any one place leakage, will not be able to meet 4 times up to 200MPa efficiency.
    The design of the ultra high pressure pump is analyzed, the main analysis of the pump classification. Since the design is a design of the pump, so the high pressure chamber and the low-pressure chamber of the accuracy requirements and process requirements is very high. The design of the efficiency of the requirements is very high, so the sealing of the higher requirements. The size of including a more important place is relief valve settings, because of the relief valve set in relation to the size of the pressure, pressure, pressure, pressure is directly affect the ultra high pressure hand pump work efficiency. I have some of the structures, for example, the structure of the plunger was analyzed and designed, which also includes their force analysis and calculation. There are also the material selection and verification of the cylinder is critical. In the end, the design of the piston pump and the advantages and disadvantages of the process of the analysis, the focus of the summary.
    Keyword:  ultra high pressure;Manual pump;Efficiency
    1.绪论    1
    1.1 超高压泵的简介    1
    1.1.1  超高压泵研究现状及发展趋势    1
    1.1.2  超高压泵的基本组成    2
    1.1.3  超高压泵的分类和工作原理    3
    1.2 课题的提出和要求    4
    1.2.1课题的提出    4
    1.2.2课题的要求    4
    1.3本章小结    5
    2超高压泵的总体设计    6
    2.1超高压泵的高压部分设计    6
    2.2柱塞的设计计算    8
    2.2.1柱塞的稳定性与强度校核    8
    2.2.2配合的选用    9
    2.3泵体的计算    10
    3.柱塞泵的其他零件设计和选择    13
    3.1油箱和泵体间连接螺栓的强度校核    13
    3.2 手压杆的强度校核    14
    3.3圆柱销的强度校核    16
    3.4低压腔部分的壁厚校核    18
    3.5 连接杆的强度校核    19
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