    Design of Rotary Drum Dryer
    Abstract:There is a very long history, since drying technology been applied in our country.They are widely used in chemical industry, metallurgy, light industry, agriculture and other industries,due to the rotary drum dryer has a simple structure, large capacity,wide application.This means a lot for the safe storage of reduce the moisture content of product, improve efficiency of product and economic benefits.The design of rotary drum dryer based on the choice of materials, the calculation of heat balance and material balance, the design of cylinder structure. The design of rotary of drum dryer also fished the selection, strength calculation and check of the hot air systems, ventilation systems,and components supporting device .The rotary dryer dry material with the flow direct heating method, the gas stove to provide heat,and use the natural gas combustion products drying medium. In the conditions of dehydrated level under 200kg/h, the dryer are available for dried foods, cereals,coal and  in all types of granular materials.
    Keywords: Dryer;Rotary drum;chemical industry;calculation and check
    1绪论    1
    1.1干燥趋势与发展技术概况    1
    1.2干燥设备的分类    1
    1.3转筒烘干机的特性与适用范围    2
    2设备参数的确定    3
    2.1确定初始参数    3
    2.2其他参数的确定    3
    3物料衡算和热量衡算    5
    3.1产量的计算    5
    3.2空气消耗量    5
    4设备参数计算和确定    7
    4.1干燥转筒的直径D    7
    4.2容积传热系数αα    7
    4.3转筒长度z    8
    4.3.1预热段长度z1    8
    4.3.2蒸发段长度z2    9
    4.3.3加热段长度z3    9
    4.4转筒转速和倾斜率的选择    10
    4.4.1转筒转速的选择    10
    4.4.2转筒倾角的选择    10
    4.5物料停留时间    10
    4.6物料填充率    11
    5筒体结构设计    12
    5.1筒体及其结构组成    12
    5.1.1筒体跨距设计    12
    5.1.2筒体壁厚设计    13
    5.1.3挡轮及齿圈在筒体上的位置    13
    5.1.4抄板的设计计算    13
    5.2筒体载荷计算    14
    5.2.1筒体自重    14
    5.2.2物料重量qm    15
    5.2.3齿圈质量p1    15
    5.3筒体弯矩与应力计算    17
    5.3.1支点位置的确定    17
    5.3.2由均布载荷引起的最大弯矩    18
    5.3.3由集中载荷引起的弯矩    19
    5.3.4计算弯曲应力    20
    5.4筒体变形计算    20
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