    Abstract In modern society, it seems there has been a wide range of power actuators, virtually surrounding our lives seems a more and more things, the hydraulic system is also a side of us, although we did not care, but the hydraulic system does It brought us a lot of convenience, but also brought a new impetus to the service or the community. Hydraulic related systems all around us is still very common, because it has its own unique advantages that makes this society has made its own significant contribution. The majority of those western regions to the coal mine, so mining has become a new and lucrative industry because coal mining is essentially related devices will be used in hydraulic, so he blame has been widely used, also exists in other areas a lot of similar examples.
    The design of our study is about the steel rope friction pad experimental platform specifically made to provide hydraulic actuators power station systems, steel rope friction pad is a more important issue worth by liner a supporting role, we can reduce the friction test bench in a way which can bring huge benefits for the future into the community to use. The hydraulic system is in mine power systems use more machinery industry, he is indispensable to modern society, as we bring a lot of benefits in all areas will be.
     Keywords: friction pad、 hydraulic systems、power plant、 practicality

    摘要    1
    Abstract    2
    第一章   前言    3
    1.1液压的产生发展    3
    1.2液压系统的构成元素    3
    1.3液压传动系统的主要特点    3
    1.4  液压站相关介绍以及工作原理    4
    第二章   液压系统的设计程序步骤    5
    2.1设计计算步骤    5
    2.2掌握技术需求    6
    2.3执行装置的比较与选择    6
    2.4液压系统力的分析和运动分析    7
    2.4.1力的分析计算    7
    2.4.2运动速度状态    8
    2.5分析确定液压系统原理图    8
    2.5.1供油方式    8
    2.5.2回路压力稳定的选择控制    8
    2.6液压系统图的设计    9
    2.6.1液压缸动作循环过程    9
    第三章   确定及选择液压站相关参数与元件    10
    3.1 液压缸参数的确定与选择    10
    3.1.1初步确定液压缸所需压力    10
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