    Abstract The tapered roller bearing is the fundamental unit of machine components and the key element of the mechanical equipment. And the tapered roller is an important part of tapered roller bearing. The differences in diameter sizes of tapered rollers can simultaneously affect such aspects as bearing clearance, rotation accuracy, friction moment, vibration and noise.
    Through analysis of the principles of spherical fiducial surface location of the rollers, this paper verifies the feasibility of location method of spherical fiducial surface, chooses double inductive sensors differential measuring method to measure the diameters of the rollers and designs a diameter measurement system of tapered rollers.
    This paper first introduces the mechanical structure design of the diameter measurement system of tapered rollers, which mainly consists of roller location machine, roller compression machine, diameter measurement machine and position limitation unit.
    The measurement and control system part consists of hardware control part and software control part, which realizes the control over diameter measuring movement of tapered rollers, collection, analysis and handling of data, and manifestation of the results, ect.
    The diameter measurement system of tapered rollers designed in this paper takes the spherical fiducial surface of the rollers as the location basis, uses the double inductive sensors differential measuring method, and realizes functions like automatic location and loading of rollers, automatic attainment and analysis of diameters of the rollers.
    Key Words: tapered roller, diameter, automatic test, inductive sensors
     目  录
    1   绪论.1
    1.1  概述1
    1.2  位移测量方法介绍1
    1.3  圆锥滚子直径测量方法介绍2
    1.4  本章小结7
    2   总体方案设计.8
    2.1  系统设计要求和技术指标8
    2.2  圆锥滚子直径的测量方法8
    2.3  圆锥滚子高精度测量的技术分析.10
    2.4  圆锥滚子直径测量系统总体方案.16
    2.5  本章小结 .16
    3   机械结构设计17
    3.1  圆锥滚子测量系统总体机械结构设计.17
    3.2  圆锥滚子定位机构设计.18
    3.3  直径测量机构设计.22
    3.4  测量位置固定机构.23
    3.5  驱动机构设计.24
    3.6  整体支架平台设计.25
    3.7  本章小结.26
    4   测控系统设计27
    4.1  测控系统总体硬件设计.27
    4.2  测控系统硬件选型.29
    4.3  测控系统总体软件系统设计.31
    4.4  本章小结.32
    5   总结与展望33
    5.1  全文总结.33
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