    利用工程软件Pro/ENGINEER 对该供输弹系统进行三文模型的建立,根据各个组件的运动性质进行相应的装配.在Pro/ENGINEER的机构模块下,对装配好的供输弹系统的主要运动进行给定运动条件下的运动学仿真,获取被测量的各个物体的运动参数加以分析,并对其动态过程进行干涉检查,最后将仿真的过程以动画形式保存为视频文件,对供输弹系统的方案的交流与评估及其制造奠定了基础。18912
    关键词  供输弹系统  建模  运动学   仿真
    Title  The Kinematics Simulation of Supply & Transport Bomb System
    Supply & transport bomb system not only improves the rate of fire of artillery weapon systems, increasing the power of artillery, but also changed the structure of the traditional artillery and combat mode. Taking supply & transport bomb system of a test platform for the study, to simulate the motion characteristics.
    The use of engineering software Pro/ENGINEER established for three-dimensional model of the supply & transport bomb system. Rigging out them correspondingly by the movement properties of the inpidual components .In the mechanism module of Pro/ENGINEER, carrying out kinematic simulation of supply & transport bomb system in a given condition, to obtain the motion parameters of each object that are measured and analyzing it, and taking interference checking in dynamic process, and finally the simulation process is saved as video in the form of animation .It laid the foundation of exchanging and evaluating and manufacturing of the supply & transport bomb system.
    Keywords Supply & Transport Bomb System  Modeling  Kinematics   Simulation
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  选题的背景    1
    1.2  火炮供输弹系统发展现状    1
    1.3  运动学仿真技术在武器研制中的应用及其意义    3
    1.4  本课题研究意义与主要内容    4
    2  某试验平台供输弹系统的构成及其三文建模    6
    2.1  概述    6
    2.2  Pro/Engineer软件的简介及其特点    6
    2.3  供输弹系统的构成    6
    2.4  自动化弹(药)仓的实体三文模型及工作原理    7
    2.5  协调装置实体三文模型及工作原理    8
    2.6  输弹(药)机实体三文模型及工作原理    9
    3  供输弹系统的工作流程与时序    11
    3.1供输弹系统的工作流程    11
    3.2供输弹系统的时序分配    12
    3  基于Pro /E的供输弹系统运动学仿真分析    14
    3.1  概述    14
    3.2  Pro/Engineer机构运动仿真介绍    14
    3.2.1Pro/Engineer机构运动仿真概述    14
    3.2.2Pro/Engineer运动仿真一般流程    15
    3.3  自动化弹药仓的运动学仿真分析    15
    3.3.1在Pro /E中建立自动化弹药仓回转机构的模型装配及约束设置    15
    3.3.2自动化弹药仓的运动仿真分析    16
    3.4  协调装置的运动仿真分析    22
    3.4.1对液压缸的简要分析    22
    3.4.2对弹(药)协调器的运动仿真及结果分析    24
    3.4.2对摆弹(药)装置的运动仿真及结果分析    26
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