    该引信重量1160 g,最大外径66 mm,最大高度150.1 mm。
    该引信通用能力较强、发火可靠性高、发火方式多、有自毁特性、延期解除保险距离较长、具备撞击安全距离特性、发射环境适应性较好,符合GJB 373A-1997《引信安全性设计准则》要求,具备工程设计价值。
    关键词 机械触发引信 解决问题  分析  设计
    Title  With warheads mechanical trigger fuze of large caliber
    systems analysis and design
    To solve the existing part of fuze the environment is a flexible, not have a safe distance from the impact special, not have ruin and self and the features and has been put off the distance short questions, thus enhance the capacity to the fuze.
    the reliability of Role and security, in extensive research, both at home and abroad on the basis of the relevant research,in designing the warheads mechanical trigger fuze of large caliber.
    The first systematic analysis, argument works of the fuze, the overall structure designed to the fuse. And after the fuse the various parts of the structural design, including to design the sequence of Explosion, in designing the device of insurance and lift insurance, in designing the regulating device, calculation the tension of fuze and check the parts strength and.
    Finally drawing two-dimensional designand three-dimensional image, intensity,performance and spring resistance in the related design calculated.
    The fuse in weight is 1160 g, the largest external diameter is 66 mm,the most highly is 150.1 mm.
    The general is able to fuze, With the high reliability of explosion, the way many to explosion, have the function of destroy themselves and themselves have lost working abilities, put off the distance from a longer, have the features about safe distance of impact, have a good adaptability to the environment abuot launch, suffice the relevant requirements about  GJB 373A - 1997<fuse with the security requirements of design principles>,
    has the engineering design value.
    Keywords  Mechanical trigger fuze     Problem     Analysis     Design
    目  次
    1  绪论    1
    1.1  榴弹引信简介    1
    1.2  中外大口径榴弹引信发展状况    1
    1.3  本课题研究的主要内容    2
    2  引信系统分析与设计    3
    2.1  结构组成    3
    2.2  作用原理    3
    2.3  性能综述    4
    3  发射强度计算    4
    3.1  引信性能参数    4
    3.2  引信各零件质量    4
    3.3  传爆管壳发射强度计算    8
    3.3.1  传爆管壳底部最薄处发射强度计算    8
    3.3.2  传爆管壳螺纹发射强度计算    8
    3.4  底座底部最薄处发射强度    9
    3.5  转子座细颈部发射强度    10
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