    关键词  炮射导弹 纵向通道 PI控制 比例制导
    Title  Artillery missile guidance and control the longitudinal channel system design and simulation
    Ballistic missiles in the traditional sense are Costly , complex systems and motion bulky. States are increasingly looking to find low-cost, highly mobile, versatile alternatives .artillery missiles came into being. This paper studies the artillery missile longitudinal control channel, so that the longitudinal plane as little interference by external conditions. Use ground coordinates, trajectory coordinates, projectile coordinates and velocity coordinate and combine the establishment of two new coordinate system, thus to create two new coordinate system, and analyzes its longitudinal motion characteristics,establish artillery missiles longitudinal dynamics model. Depending on the motion characteristics of artillery missiles, a reasonable simplification, use of equations of motion missile artillery missiles simplified mathematical model of linear vertical movement, deduced artillery missiles in flight transfer function, based on feedback overload and angular velocity tracking, construct two loop feedback overload tracking control, using PI control design a tracking  overload controller.By parameter K adjusting the damping characteristic ,Simulation results show that the controller designed meet performance requirements. Proportional guidance drawn tracking guidance law, simulation results show that this method is reasonable, and feasible.
    Keywords  Artillery missiles, Longitudinal channels, PI control, Proportional guidance
     目  录
    1.    绪论    1
    1.1.    背景及意义    1
    1.2.    发展现状及趋势    1
    1.3.    本文研究内容    4
    2.    制导炮弹动力学建模    6
    2.1.    制导炮弹动力学模型    6
    2.2   炮射导弹的扰动运动方程组    15
    3.    纵向通道制导与控制仿真    22
    3.1  比例导引法    22
    3.2  过载跟踪控制回路设计    25
    3.3  纵向通道的制导与仿真    28
    结  论    32
    致  谢    33
    参考文献    34
    1.    绪论
    1.1.    背景及意义
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