


    关键词  冷链物流  纵向一体化  业务流程


    Title   The construction and research of the business process    of the new vertical integrated logistics enterprise   


    With the development of economy, people's consumption concept has changed greatly. In the choice of fresh food, people are more inclined to the fresh and high quality food. Therefore, cold chain logistics arises at the historic moment. With the help of the refrigeration technology, cold chain logistics control the temperature during the transportation and storage of fresh food to ensure food quality and fresh degree, so as to meet the needs of people. However, in China, the cold chain logistics is still in its infancy, there are many problems related to the operation of the enterprise, and the development of the whole industry is stagnant.

    Combined with the knowledge of cold chain logistics and vertical integration strategy, this paper puts forward a new construction method for the business processing of the cold chain logistics industry. This article mainly describe the processing of the construction of the business processing in cold chain logistics enterprise from four aspects: order processing, logistics service, trading platform, services, and customer management.The paper is in order to provide business processing optimization ideas for the enterprise, makes the enterprise has better communication and coordination between suppliers and demanders.So that enterprise can maintain good relationship with customers and provide quality logistics services for them.

    Keywords  Cold chain logistics  vertical integration  business processing

    目   次

    1  引言 1

    1.1  研究背景 1

    1.2  研究现状 1

    1.3  研究目的 3

    1.4  研究方法 3

    1.5  研究关键与难点 3

    2  新型冷链物流企业业务流程模式综述 4

    2.1  新型冷链物流业务流程构建思路 4

    2.2  整体业务流程设计 5

    2.3  业务组织体系 6

    3  订单处理业务流程构建 8

    3.1  订单处理总流程 8

    3.2  订单接受业务流程 8

    3.2  安排计划业务流程 10

    3.3  订单跟踪与反馈 11

    4  物流服务业务流程构建

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