

    毕业论文关键词 :76mm 防空 榴弹 特征参数 强度校核 飞行稳定


    Title   76mm anti-aircraft missile ammunition design                    

    Abstract In this paper, five different diameters of penetrating armor steel rod penetrate 40mm/30 ° while retaining 300m / s velocity of the remaining numerical simulation speed. Empirical formula to estimate the speed of penetration rod , making penetration rod speed range at 4000m reached when the results of simulation. Under the ordinary standard rounds of structural dimensions and structural parameters to design 76mm anti-aircraft missile ammunition projectile shape parameters, using three-dimensional map of the projectile by the relevant parameters. Used these parameters in the bore of the bomb loads and suffered a major security breech within the emission calculation. Checked the strength projectile components, the dimensions of the various components projectile to be modified to ensure that the emission intensity, the flight stability and maximum power fragmentation. Finally, the rod projectile penetrating flight stability and analyzed to determine the final plan.

    Keywords  76mm  Air defense  Grenade  Characteristic parameters  Strength check  Stable flight


    1 绪论 1

    2 总体方案设计 2

    2.1 威力指标 2

    2.2结构设计 11

    2.3弹丸结构特征参数的计算 19

    3 弹丸发射安全性分析 20

    3.1发射时所受载荷 20

    3.2 惯性力 22

    4.1 弹体发射强度校核 26

    4.2 下垫片强度校核 29

    4.3 侵彻杆强度校核 30

    5  飞行稳定性计算 32

    5.1 弹丸飞行稳定性计算 32

    5.2  破片飞行稳定性计算 33

    结论 35

    致谢 36

    参考文献 36

    1 绪论


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