    毕业论文关键词:压电效应; 测力仪; 车削
    Abstract  With cutting toward high-speed, high-precision, highly automated direction, the cutting process monitoring technology also raised higher and higher requirements, and a variety of automated machining equipment and manufacturing systems do not have the vast majority of machining process monitoring functions. To make these highly automated processing equipment, give full play to its excellent performance, to ensure processing quality, improve production efficiency, the tool condition monitoring and process control is increasingly important. A lot of research results show that small changes in cutting each state can be reflected by changes in cutting force, cutting force detection is one of the most widely used research and monitoring methods at home and abroad, but these methods are more or less at the time of use to change the original parts of the machine, the machine affect the system characteristics, especially for high-precision CNC machine tools greater impact. To solve this problem, an urgent need to design a dimensions, the use of state are similar to outer turning turning away from Cape dynamometer.
      In this paper, using the finite element method dynamometer structure stiffness and stress analysis, and turning piezoelectric dynamometer structure to optimize critical dimensions, successfully developed a new type of piezoelectric turning into a dynamometer. The new turning dynamometer prominent advantages compared with the original turning dynamometer: it's close to the appearance of a common external turning tools can be directly clamped on the turret, and the actual state of the same cutting. It can be Installed On knife rest,so it is same wit practice stateofcutting.Sensitivity of dynamometer is more high, ,.The calibration results show that it has high static linearity, so the cutting dynamometer has fully reached the dylmmometer standard stipulated by CIRP-STCC.
    目录本科生毕业设计(论文)    1
    摘要    4
    Abstract    5
    1绪论    6
    1.1研究背景    6
    1.2研究意义    7
    1.3压电式测力仪的展望及发展现状    8
    1.4切削测力仪    11
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