
    摘要:本课题的名称是“10MN油压机压下系统设计”,本油压机的主要用途是进行大型船板的锻压,主要功能是可以实现上下模具的同步移动与同步转动,用此功能来达到用一块模具,借助液压缸整体的移动与末端模具的旋转,多次锻压,进而完成加工大型板材的目的。 本次毕业设计是设计性的课题,所以本论文写为说明书格式。本论文主要有六个重要部分。第一部分写的是对本课题的介绍,包括选题背景与设计本课题的意义,即我国的液压行业水平与世界先进水平相比还存在一定的不足,在压制大型板材的大型液压机方面的设计还比较少。第二部分是液压系统的设计,包括压下柱塞缸与辅助活塞缸在快下与工进时的各腔压力与流量,还有液压回路的设计,例如保压回路与平衡回路等。各个液压元件的标准件选择例如换向阀与溢流阀的选型。第三部分是压下柱塞缸的设计,包括重要参数的计算,与重要结构的设计原因。第四部分是辅助活塞缸的设计与计算,包括一些重要结构的设计原因与优点。第五部分是与模具部分相连的回转减速机构,包括对其重要部分的校核。第六部分是对整个设计的总结,包括本设计的不足之处。42325


    10MN hydraulic press pressure system design

    Abstract: The name of this project is "10MN hydraulic press pressure system design," the main purpose of the hydraulic machine is large-scale Ship forging, the main function is to achieve the upper and lower dies move synchronously with the synchronous rotation, use this function to achieve with a mold, by means of hydraulic cylinders rotating the whole movement with the end of the mold, forging repeatedly, and then complete the purpose of processing a large plate. The graduation project is the design of the subject, so this paper written specification format. In this thesis, there are six important parts. The first part is written in the introduction to this topic, the significance of including background and design of this project, that of China's hydraulic industry level with the world advanced level there are still some deficiencies compared to the suppression of large panels of large hydraulic machine has been designed to further a bit less. The second part is the design of the hydraulic system, including the chamber pressure and flow depress the plunger cylinder and auxiliary piston in the cylinder under the fast-forwarding of workers, as well as the hydraulic circuit design, such as holding pressure balance loop circuit and the like. Standard parts such as various hydraulic components selection valve and relief valve selection. The third part is depress the plunger cylinder design, including calculation of important parameters, the design causes and important structures. The fourth part is the auxiliary piston-cylinder design and calculation, including the reasons and advantages of the design of some important structures. The fifth part is a rotary gear mechanism connected with the mold section, including checking their vital parts. The sixth part is a summary of the entire design, including the shortcomings of this design.

    Keywords: hydraulic machine;piston-cylinder;hydraulic circuit


    1  十兆牛顿油压机压下系统设计 9

    1.1 选题背景和意义 9

    1.1.1 选题背景 9

    1.1.2 意义 9

    1.2 油压机设计功能 9

    1.3 油压机设计要求 10

    1.3.1 设计的技术要求 10


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