    Hydraulic machine is based on the common mechanical forging machine tool on gradually developed. China's first hydraulic press was manufactured in 1953 in Shenyang success. Initially due to the limitations of hydraulic technology and some of the basic elements of hydraulic components, start development of hydraulic machines is relatively slow. In recent years, due to the continuous development of hydraulic technology, making hydraulic machine has entered a golden period of rapid development.
    The main hydraulic presses are rack, hydraulic systems, cooling systems, pressure tanks, the upper mold and the lower mold, the upper end of the pressure cylinder mounted in the frame, and coupled with the mold, the cooling system and the upper mold, the lower mold join. Wherein the rack with the bottom of the table to move the table and join the movement of mobile tanks, the lower mold placed on top of the moving platform.
    It features modern hydraulic machine: 1, high-intensity beams welded structure, with good economy and adaptability. 2, has a high anti-bias load capacity, the work pressing process does not produce large lateral vibration. 3, has a quick and easy replacement of mold features that can be heat molded bearing replacement and other special operations. 4, with high-speed, fast and smooth, shock-free advantage to change when pressed repeatedly.
        Key words:Hydraulic Press;moving workbench;Structural beams
    1绪论    1
    2 5MN液压压机压下系装置的课题介绍                                              3
      2.1设想的压下系统的推力装置 3
    2.2 一般的液压压机压下装置的示例    3
    2.3 5MN液压压机压下系统设计的主要参数    4
    3文献检索    5
    4 5MN液压压机压下系统装置的方案拟定6
    5压下系统的计算    9
    5.1柱塞缸的设计    9
    5.1.1计算柱塞的直径    9
    5.1.2计算柱塞导向套的长度    10
    5.1.3柱塞缸流量的计算    11
    5.1.4柱塞缸的壁厚计算及校核    12
    5.1.5定出柱塞的长度以及缸盖和缸体的连接    13
    5.1.6设计用到的液控单向阀    13
    5.1.7管接头的选择    14
    5.1.8管道的计算    14
    5.2下模具和压头部件的设计    15
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