


    关键词  仿昆虫扑翼微型飞行器  优势  新型子弹药   总体结构设计  详细设计  建模仿真   优化设计


    Title    Mechanical Design of An Imitation Insect     Submunition                                      


    Imitation insect flapping wing MAV is a very special member in the large MAV family,relative to other types of MAV,has its unique advantages.It makes lift, hover and propulsion into a flapping wing systems.It's more flexible, better hidden, high integrated,and that it can fly long distance using less energy.It is just because of these advantages that it can make special contributions in the military field,one of which is used as a new submunition,attacking enemy precisely.

    In this paper,the design problems of a three-DOF imitation insect flapping wing MAV have been studied.We completed the overall structural design of the three-DOF imitation insect flapping wing MAV,and taking its flying platform as the core,made detail design and did it's modeling and simulation. In the last,we optimized  the designed MAV,made a number of optimal design schemes.

    Keywords  Imitation insect flapping wing MAV  advantages   new submunition   overall structural design   detail design   modeling and simulation    optimize  

    目   次

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  课题研究背景和意义 1

    1.2  仿昆虫扑翼微型飞行器简介 1

    1.2.1  仿昆虫扑翼微型飞行器定义 2

    1.2.2  昆虫飞行机理 2

    1.2.3  特点及应用 2

    1.3  发展过程和研究现状 3

    1.3.1  发展过程 3

    1.3.2  国内外研究现状 3

    1.4  本文研究内容 4

    2  仿昆虫子弹药机械机构设计原理和设计方法 5

    2.1  设计原理 5

    2.2  设计方法 6

    3  仿昆虫子弹药机械机构设计总体方案 7

    3.1  总体参数 7

    3.2  扑翼驱动方式 7

    3.3  扑翼运动机构机械结构 10

    3.4  能源与动力 12

    4  仿昆虫子弹药机械机构详细设计

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