



    The Design of Efficiently Conical Refiner Feed Mechanism

    Abstract: The efficiently conical refiner essence is through the mechanical action, cutting the fiber cross-sectional and longitudinal fine fibrosis. The higher the refiner beating degree, into the higher the strength of paper,paper evenness,the better,but the slurry dewatering capacity decrease accordingly. So reasonable control beating the refiner is guarantee the stability of efficiently conical refiner production,the key to ensure the quality of paper process.

    Efficiently conical refiner control effect is good or bad directly affects the pulp beating degree,thus affect the quality of the paper,the feed mechanism is the core of the paper quality,make the high efficiency,strong adaptability,flexible operation, beating degree control precision,etc. The graduation design topic is the design of efficiently conical refiner feed mechanism,feeding mechanism is the important component of a efficiently conical refiner,which directly affects the grinding effect. First,analysis and research of the efficiently conical refiner feed mechanism,and then argument the components of the structure of the design,then has carried on the structural design,calculation and verification. Finally draw the feed mechanism assembly and the main parts.

    Key words:pulp;refining;efficiently conical refiner;feed mechanism


    1 绪论 1

    1.1 选题的背景 1

    1.2 立题的目的与意义 1

    2 课题关键与难点 3

    2.1 制浆的基本概念 3

    2.2 磨浆的基本概念 3

    2.3 高效锥型磨工作原理 3

    2.4 打浆质量控制方法 4

    2.5 驱动装置的选择 4

    2.6 进给机构密封装置的选择 5

    2.7 轴承装置的选择和设计 5

    3 文献综述 6

    3.1 高效锥型磨的锥度分类 6

    3.1.1 小锥度锥型磨浆机 6

    3.1.2 中锥度锥型磨浆机 7

    3.1.3 大锥度锥型磨浆机 7

    4 高效锥型磨进给机构工作原理及主体结构 8

    4.1 高效锥型磨进给机构工作原理

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