

    本文应用Edgecam、 VERICUT软件,生成数控程序,建立五轴联动的车铣虚拟加工中心,进行曲轴数控加工工艺系统仿真。该系统包括数控编程和数控加工仿真两大部分。数控编程利用Edgecam对工件进行刀具轨迹编辑,并通过后处理得到数控程序;而数控加工仿真则用VERICUT建立虚拟机床(包括机床主体、夹具、刀具主轴头、刀具链等)、加载工件毛坯、建立刀具库、定制数控系统、导入数控程序,并通过调试实现曲轴数控加工工艺系统仿真。

    毕业论文关键词:数控加工仿真; VERICUT;五轴车铣加工中心;自动编程 


    NC(numerical control)machining tools have high productive efficiency, machining quality and flexibility which make them popularize rapidly, and how to guarantee the validity of NC codes has become an outstanding problem in the NC machining process. With the development and application of Virtual manufacturing technology, simulation technology has been widely used in the assessment process plans and equipments for the manufacturing, as well as new product design, and effectively solved the problems in the process of CNC machining. 

    This paper will use the Edgecam, VERICUT software, generating the NC program, creating a five axis milling virtual machining center, to conduct the simulation of the NC machining process system of crankshaft. The development of the system includes the CNC programming and NC machining simulation. CNC programming is the use of Edgecam to carry out the tool path editing on workpiece, and getting the NC program through after treatment; NC machining simulation is established virtual machine (including machine tool, fixture, tool spindle head, cutter chain) by using VERICUT, loading the workpiece blank, building tool library, developing numerical control system, importing NC program, and debugging so that the machine can realize the simulation. 

    Key words: NC machining simulation; VERICUT; Five-axis milling and turning machining centers; Automatic Programming


    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1数控加工概述 1

    1.2数控加工技术现状与趋势 2

    1.3数控仿真的概述 2

    1.4数控仿真的意义 3

    1.5虚拟数控机床介绍 3

    1.6 本章小结 5

    第二章 系统总体方案设计 6

    2.1系统开发的目标分析 6

    2.1.1系统设计目标 6

    2.1.2系统设计原则和特点 6

    2.2曲轴加工工艺仿真系统的关键技术 7

    2.3 本章小结 8

    第三章 曲轴加工工艺数控编程 9

    3.1 Edgecam介绍 9

    3.2设计模式的特征提取 9

    3.3生成加工路径 10

    3.3.1主轴颈以及曲柄轴颈的刀具路径 13


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