    关键词:  DSP  PID算法  CAN  电机6830
    Title    The development of artillery servo system      controller based on DSP                         
    Artillery servo controller is a core part of the artillery weapon system, reflecting the performance of artillery. Compared with traditional analog servo system ,the response speed , accuracy , stability and reliability of the digital servo system has reached a higher level .
    The contents of this paper is to use TI's TMS320F2812 as the core processor to carry out the artillery servo system controller development , giving full play to the DSP processing speed, suitable for the complex features of the algorithm; ECAN as the system data bus, ensuring that the instructions can be transmitted timely, accurately and effectively; high-precision optical encoder as the speed and position detection devices of the barrel; integral separation and meet limit weaken integral PID compound control algorithm to achieve closed-loop control; DC servo motor as the execution unit, finally realize load quantitative operation.
    Keywords:  DSP,PID algorithm,CAN,Motor
    目   次

    1  绪论    1
    1.1  课题背景    1
    1.2  发展现状及趋势    1
    1.3  本文工作    1
    2  火炮随动控制系统    2
    2.1  随动控制系统的基本概念    2
    2.2  火炮随动控制系统的基本组成    2
    2.3  硬件需求分析    3
    3  硬件电路设计    9
    3.1  DSP数据处理单元    9
    3.2  现场总线CAN    9
    3.3  D/A转换模块    13
    3.4  电源及驱动转换电路    14
    3.5  操作面板及接线器    16
    3.6  电机驱动    18
    软件设计与调试    20
    4.1  主程序流程图    20
    4.2  eCAN初始化    20
    4.3  PID控制算法设计    22
    5  系统调试    28
    5.1  PID调试方法    28
    5.2  调试中遇到的问题及原因分析    28
    5.3  DSP通讯    29
    结论     31
    致谢     32
    参考文献    33
    附录      35
    1  绪论
    1.1  课题背景
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