    The Mech-part Design of the Rolling Machine for the U-frame on Bicycle
    Abstract In order to facilitate on and off, most of the women's bike’s front triangular frame structure has experienced necessary evolution, some of which have evolved into a U-shaped structure. For the U-shaped frame, the diameter of the riser’s shrink tube is φ28 ± 0.08, the aperture is φ23.1. To install the φ25 ± 0.08 saddle tube requires reaming process. The aperture diameter should between φ25.1 ~ φ25.24 after processes, with a 41% change rate of the wall thickness. This issue is the design of a reamer machine for the standpipe in the U-shaped frame of the bicycle. and strive to design high efficient, a simple machining tool. Design uses modular design, combination of machine vision. Processing characteristics of the analysis, this paper introduced the deceleration box, spindle box and the driving force for the structural design of slide, deceleration box uses the form of silent chain, guides the use of triangular guide the type of peaceful co-guide and the use of hydraulic slide.
    Key Word:Rolling machine; U-frame; Mech-part
    目  录
    1 绪  论...-1-
    1.1 课题背景    - 1 -
    1.2课题介绍    - 1 -
    1.3 模块化设计背景及发展    - 2 -
    1.4 组合机床的发展及特点    - 3 -
    1.5 对旧机床的分析    - 4 -
    1.6 扩孔动力头    - 5 -
    1.7 薄壁零件加工    - 6 -
    2 方案确定    - 8 -
    2.1 扩孔机基本结构的确定    - 8 -
    2.2 减速箱    - 8 -
    2.3 主轴箱    - 11 -
    2.4 动力滑台    - 12 -
    2.5 夹具    - 13 -
    2.6 挡块设计    - 13 -
    3 结构设计及数据计算    - 15 -
    3.1 减速箱设计计算    - 15 -
    3.1.1 切削速度的计算    - 15 -
    3.1.2 电机的选择    - 15 -
    3.1.3 齿形链的设计计算    - 16 -
    3.2 液压滑台设计计算    - 19 -
    3.2.1 负载分析    - 19 -
    3.2.2 初步确定液压缸的结构尺寸    - 21 -
    3.2.3 液压缸的工况分析与工况图    - 22 -
    3.2.4 拟定液压系统原理图    - 24 -
    3.2.5 计算和选择液压元件    - 26 - 液压阀的选择    - 28 -
    3.3 活塞杆稳定性计算    - 29 -
    4 三文结构设计    - 31 -
    4.1  Pro/Engineer简介    - 31 -
    4.2  Pro/Engineer软件的主要模块组成    - 32 -
    4.3  Pro/Engineer主要特性及优点    - 36 -
    4.4  液压滑台    - 38 -
    4.4.1 滑台面板设计—三角导轨合平导轨    - 38 -
    4.4.2 主轴箱结构设计    - 39 -
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