    摘要 随着人工髋关节技术的日趋发展与成熟,髋关节假体产品的市场推广也变得越来越重要。作为市场推广的核心部分,  假体平面模型的展示往往是客户了解产品最直观的渠道。鉴于目前大多数髋关节假体公司只提供二文的产品平面模型,假体产品的三文平面建模具有一定的市场潜力。本课题利用SolidWords软件,根据Link, Plus, Zimmer 三家假体公司提供的原始数据针对一种型号髋关节假体三部件:假体柄,头部,以及髋臼,进行三文实体建模,并利用 SolidWorks 软件内的系列零件设计表对各公司提供的每种型号假体原始工程数据进行参数化设计,以达成实现对以上三种部件只需每种选择一种尺寸三文建模一次,即可通过输入系列零件设计表其它型号的尺寸生成相应其它尺寸的三文模型。最后完成了三部分假体的装配,生成爆炸图和工程图纸。6977
    关键词 人工髋关节   三文造型  系列零件设计表  
    The marketing industry  of artificial hip joint products has become
    increasingly profitable due to the rapid development of hip replacement
    technologies. As the core component of marketing, graphic presentations
    of artificial joint products are often the most direct way in which
    potential customers become acquainted with the products. Since most
    artificial hip joint companies market their products using two-dimensional
    images, the use of three-dimensional modeling technology in the graphic
    presentations of artificial hip joints is  proven to be financially
    promising. This project uses the SolidWork software to create one set of
    3D graphic models for one particular size of the three components of a
    complete artificial hip joint: the prosthesis, the head, and the acetabulum,
    based on the original manufacturing data obtained from the companies of
    Link, Plus, and Zimmer. The project eliminates the need to create a 3D model
    for each size of the products by using the serial parts design table of
    SolidWork. By inputting data of different product sizes from each company
    into the table, the project allows for instant 3D modeling of each other
    sizes of the three components based on the manually created 3D models for
    the chosen size. The project produced the digitally assembled 3D models
    of artificial hip joint products from the three companies, their
    corresponding explosion figures, and the engineering drawings.
    Keywords  Hip prosthesis Three-dimensional modeling    
    Serial parts design table
    Title  The 3D Design of the Hip Prosthesis
       目 录  
    1 绪论 ..  1
    1.1 人工髋关节置换    1
    1.2 三文造型技术的发展现状  ..  3
    1.3 SolidWorks 设计软件  ..  5
    1.4 本次设计的主要工作  .  5
    2 髋关节假体外形总体设计 ..  7
    2.1 方案拟定    7
    2.2 髋关节柄部设计    7
    2.3 髋关节头部设计  .  10
    2.4 髋臼设计  . 11
    2.5 材料选择  .  12
    3 髋关节假体三文造型 ..  14
    3.1 通过系列零件表建立配置的参数化设计方法  .  14
    3.2 假体柄参数化建模过程  .  16
    3.3 头部参数化建模过程  ..  22
    3.4 髋臼参数化三文造型  ..  24
    4 髋关节假体装配和工程图生成 .  27
    4.1 假体柄,头部,髋臼装配    27
    4.2 髋关节的爆炸图  .  27
    4.3 髋关节的工程图纸    28
    总结 .  29
    致  谢   30
    参考文献 ..  31
     1   绪论
    1.1   人工髋关节置换
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