    毕业论文关键词   并联机构   运动学性能评价  机械结构设计
    Title    Kinematic performance evaluation of a five degrees of freedom hybrid robot                                                         
    In this paper, we mainly study the kinematic performance evaluation of a five degrees of freedom hybrid robot which composed of a 2UPR-UPRR three degree of freedom parallel mechanism  and a two degrees of freedom A / C series head, and study the robot in the P side mechanical structure design. The main results are as follows:
    First of all, this paper analyzes the structure characteristics of the five degrees of freedom hybrid robot which composed of a 2UPR-UPRR three degree of freedom parallel mechanism  and a two degrees of freedom of the A / C series head, and it is concluded that the parallel part in the movement process always through a fixed point of the conclusion. In addition, the 2UPR-UPRR mechanism has the advantages of large working space, and so on.
    Secondly, based on vector chain method,this peper established 2UPR-UPRR parallel mechanism of the closed-loop position equation, solute mechanism and its inverse position solution of the analytical solution, and through a simulation example to verify its correctness.On this basis, the paper establish the mechanism velocity inverse solution model and dimensionless Jacobian matrix with Equation Derivation and the angular velocity superposition principle.
    Using the monotone analysis method to reveal the influence of scale parameter of velocity Jacobian matrix condition number for the global mean and standard difference, and then to provide a theoretical basis for the scale parameter optimization.
    Finally, for the parallel mechanism in mobile side,we carry out the design of mechanical structure, the mobile side structure by motor-coupling-ball screw rod pair transmission form.In order to realize the barrel with respect to the outer cylinder of the active mobile, the mobile vice not only has the advantages of high transmission accuracy but also good rigidity.
    Keywords  Parallel mechanism  Kinematic performance evaluation  Mechanical structure design
    目   次
    1  引言1
      1.1  机器人国内外发展状况1
      1.2  机器人运动学研究现状7
      1.3  本课题研究背景、意义及主要工作8
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