    Edge breaking machine technology is a comprehensive technology of mechanical and electrical integration. Glass edge breaking machine is widely used in the industrial field, and it has promoted the development of the industrial automation. In this paper,we will design the edge breaking mechanical devices and control process of the 8-15mm's super thick float glass. Firstly, analysis the common methods of breaking glass, according to the characteristics of the glass to design the performance of breaking the edge of glass. Secondly, according to the design requirements to determine the appropriate edge breaking machine hardware equipment. Thirdly, determine the needs of the glass edge breaking machine’s components and the cycle of action between them, analysis the movement of the edge breaking machine. According to the production needs, design the suitable automatic control program.  Determine the number of the input and output signals, select the appropriate model of Programmable Logic Controller. Then, according to the plan of automatic control, compile the suitable control program.
    Key words: edge breaking machine; automation; Programmable Logic Controller
    目  录
    第一章  绪论    1
    1.1玻璃掰边机产生的背景    1
    1.2国内玻璃掰边机发展及趋势    1
    第二章  超厚玻璃掰边机总体设计    3
    2.1 系统设计要求    3
    2.2 基本设计思路    3
    2.3掰边方式的确定    4
    2.4掰边机的组成    4
    第三章  机械结构的设计    7
    3.1整体结构设计    7
    3.2掰边机构设计    7
    3.3辊道的设计    8
    3.3电机的选择    8
    3.4减速机的选择    10
    3.5链传动的选择    11
    第四章  控制系统的设计    13
    4.1 系统硬件设计    13
    4.1.1 PLC的选型    13
    4.1.2电磁阀及气缸的选型    13
    4.1.3传感器的选择    13
    4.1.4其他元器件    14
    4.1.5电气原理图    15
    4.2系统软件设计    15
    4.2.1程序流程图    15
    4.2.2程序设计    16
    结束语    19
    致  谢    20
    参考文献    21
     第一章  绪论
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