     ABSTRACT  Robot technology is a covers a synthetic technology of multi science, mechanical hand in industrial application plays a crucial role, to promote the development of industrial automation. In this paper, a three degree of freedom manipulator is designed, which is composed of six parts, including the actuator, the drive system and the control system.Executing mechanism comprises three parts: hand, arm and the base; use AC servo motor drive; was controlled by a single chip microcomputer. Manipulator of six freedom degree includes a gripper synthetic; arm swing; wrist arm swing; small arm swinging; arm swing; the rotary base. This manipulator can grasp the workpiece within the 2Kg and put it in the destination position. The second coordinate transformation method, was obtained by calculating of the robot end effector pose and joint angles between the transformation relation, and completed the overall mechanical structure design, AC servo motor selection, the control circuit hardware circuit design and system software design.
    Key words:Manipulator;Servo motor;Single chip microcomputer
     目  录
    第一章  绪论    1
    1.1  国内外研究发展现状    2
    第二章 机械手总体设计    4
    2.1 基本设计思路    4
    2.2运动方案的选择    4
    2.3机械手工作过程    6
    2.4执行机构    7
    2.5驱动机构的选择    7
    2.6传动方式的分析选择    7
    2.7驱动电机选择    8
    第三章  机械手执行机构设计    9
    3.1执行机构设计    9
    3.1.1 手部    9
    3.1.2臂部    10
    3.1.3 腰部    11
    3.1.4机座    11
    3.2机械手自由度设计    12
    3.3 机械手结构简图    12
    3.4 驱动电机的选择    13
    3.4.1 手指张合电机M1的选择    13
    3.4.2 手臂伸缩电机M2的选择    14
    3.4.3腰部升降电机M3的选择    14
    3.4.4 底座转动电机M4的选择    15
    第四章  机械手的控制系统设计    16
    4.1 控制系统硬件方案设计    16
    4.2 控制系统的基本组成框图    16
    4.3 控制器选型及设计    16
    4.4 驱动电路设计    18
    4.5 控制系统整体硬件电路图    19
    4.6机械手控制电路设计    20
    4.8程序设计    22
    结束语    26
    致  谢    27
    参考文献:    28
    附录    29                     第一章  绪论
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