



    Forming process and die design of control support

    Abstract: It describes the progressive die design process and work through the process analysis system, using punching, blanking, flanging and other processes processing. To determine the die pressure center by computing technology force, press select models. Mold elastic unloading equipment. The mold structure is simple, reliable performance, and reduce labor intensity of the production capacity while improving production efficiency.

    First analysis of the parts stamping process; to determine the overall structure of the mold; combination of parts stamping process and the overall structure of the mold design layout plan; layout diagram to calculate utilization, red contained, pressure, selection of equipment and the size of the cutting edge. Data re-use of PRO / E, mold design, then the three-dimensional map into a two-dimensional assembly drawings and parts diagrams to label.

    Key words:Progressive Die,punching,Blanking,Flanging 

    目  录

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 课题背景及目的 1

    1.2模具行业发展的研究现状 1

    1.3模具及其功能与作用 1

    1.3.1课题研究的主要目标 1

    1.3.2课题研究的主要内容 1

    2 冲模设计程序与步骤概述 3

    2.1冲件工艺性分析 3

    2.2确定合理的冲压工艺方案 4

    2.3进行工艺计算 5

    2.4模具总体设计 5

    2.5选择冲压设备 5

    2.6模具图样设计 5

    3 工艺计算 7

    3.1毛坯尺寸计算 7

    3.2工艺方案的确定 7

    3.3进行工艺计算 8

    3.3.1排样 8

    3.3.2搭边 9

    3.3.3条料宽度的确认 9

    3.4冲裁间隙 11

    3.5冲压工艺力和压力中心的计算 11

            3.5.1冲裁力的计算 11

    3.5.2卸料力、推件力及顶件力的计算 11

    3.5.3压力机公称压力的确定 11

    3.5.4模具压力中心的确定 12

    3.6模具零件加工工艺 12

    3.7冲裁模的结构设计 14


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