    关键词: 空间物体形状;基于视觉;线性滑轨;丝杠传动;远心镜头
    Design for the shape detection system of space object
    Abstract:In the machining and electrical equipment manufacturing, we often need to implement precise measurement to the shape of the space objects. With the development of industrial technology, the measurement method has experienced the development from traditional measuring and contactable measurement to the current vision-based optical measurement method. The design is to complete to detect the shape and size of space objects automatically by the optical detection method.
    The overall structure is designed by the single-pole structure, which is suitable for small-scale measurement system. To meet the independent movement of both directions in a plane, the design uses the double linear guides, and each has two sliders to ensure the accuracy and stability of motion. For the transmission part, it still utilizes the traditional screw drive to design. The detection system is a core part of the design, which is aimed at the measured geometrical components. It was installed in the mechanical structure of the system at the Z-axis, which is moved up and down to adjust the height position. In the detection system it selects ring light, and then completes the measurement of shape of space objects together with CCD and telecentric lens. The advantage of telecentric lens is that the object distance change does not affect the image magnification, so it can ensure the accuracy and completeness of the measurement.
    Keywords: the shape of space objects;vision-based;linear slides;screw drive;telecentric lens
    1  绪论1
    2.1  空间物体形状检测系统概述 2
    2.2  空间物体形状检测系统的工作原理 2
    2.3  空间物体形状检测系统的结构组成 2
    2.4  空间物体形状检测系统的用途和意义 2
    2.5  自动光学检测技术的发展 2
    2.6  系统整体方案的确定 4
    2.6.1  整体结构方案4
    2.6.2  X-Y移动单元方案以及Z轴方案4
    2.6.3  传统驱动与新型驱动对比6
    2.6.4  探测系统方案7
    3  机械结构系统与驱动控制系统设计8
    3.1  结构形式 8
    3.1.1  柱式结构8
    3.1.2  固定桥式结构8
    3.1.3  移动桥式结构9
    3.2  导轨10
    3.2.1  滑动摩擦导轨 10
    3.2.2  滚动导轨 10
    3.2.3  气浮导轨 11
    3.3  传动机构12
    3.3.1  丝杠传动 13
    3.3.2  同步带传动 13
    3.3.3  钢带传动 14
    3.3.4  齿轮齿条传动 14
    3.4  联接件15
    3.4.1  联轴器 15
    3.4.2  轴承 15
    3.4.3  丝杠螺母 16
    3.5  材料选择16
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