    摘要:在印制电路板制造过程中,钻针的质量对于保证所钻电路板的合格性起着非常重要的作用。针对目前国内钻针检测手段的落后,本文研究基于图像检测技术的钻针光学自动检测系统的开发技术。在分析钻针检测需求的前提下,本文首先设计了系统的整体结构,一些零部件的选型与设计,如传动机构,检测机构等,并对系统框架从信息流向的角度给予了详尽的说明,并对系统中一些零件如轴、轴承等进行了校核。在此基础上,本论文对系统涉及到的硬件分系统进行了设计。首先设计了使用环状LET照明系统放置于成像镜头上方的反射式照明方案。然后针对钻针针面的倾斜性,设计了采用远心光路进行光学成像的成像方案,最后针对钻针检测的需求,对 CCD 传感器、图像采集卡进行了选型。23588
    毕业论文关键词: 钻针;自动化;检测
    Holing needle Shape Automatic Detection System Design
    Abstract: In printed circuit board manufacturing process, to assure the quality of the holing needle by drill PCB eligibility plays a very important role. In view of the present domestic holing needle detection means, this paper studies based on image detection technology of holing needle optical automatic test system development technology. Based on the analysis of holing needle detection requirements under the premise of this article first design the overall structure of the system, and some parts of type selection and design, such as transmission mechanism, testing agency, etc., and the system framework from the perspective of information flow to give the detailed specification, and the system in some parts such as shaft, bearings for checking. On this basis, in this paper, the system involves the design of the hardware system of. First using circular LET lighting system is designed in the top of a imaging lens reflex lighting solution. For drill skewed, beard needle surface was designed and then using telecentric light path to optical imaging of imaging scheme, finally according to the need of holing needle detection, CCD sensor, image acquisition card for the selection.
    Key words: Holing needle; Automation; Detection
    1 绪论    1
    1.1 本课题的目的及意义、国内外的研究现状、水平以及发展趋势    1
    1.1.1 课题的目的和意义    1
    1.1.2 国内外研究现状、水平与发展趋势    2
    1.2 文献查阅    3
    1.2.1 文献综述    3
    1.3 方案论证    3
    1.3.1课题任务    3
    1.3.2总体系统结构    4
    1.3.3 本课题的基本内容    4
    1.3.4 本课题的重点    5
    1.3.5本课题的难点    5
    1.3.6卡盘    5
    1.3.7钻针检测流程    6
    1.3.8系统的设计与元器件选型。    7
    2 总体结构设计    12
    2.1 卡盘设计    12
    2 .2电机选择    12
    2.2.1卡盘转动所需扭矩    12
    2.2.2轴转动所需扭矩    13
    2.2.3系统所需总扭矩    13
    2.3轴的设计计算    14
    2.4齿轮的设计计算    15
    2.5轴承的选型与计算    17
    3  检测部分系统设计    19
    3.1丝杆选型与计算    19
    3.1.1丝杆的设计材料    19
    3.1.2选螺纹牙型    19
    3.1.3螺纹直径计算    20
    3.1.4精确校核丝杆强度    20
    3.1.5按耐磨性计算,确定螺母高度    21
    3.1.6验算自锁条件    21
    3.2螺母设计    21
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