


    毕业论文关键词  新型  电动助力 自行车  结构设计  


    Title    Structure Design of a New Electric Assisted  Bicycle                                     


    Electric power assisted bicycle and the bicycle is driven by manpower, electric vehicle drive without pedaling against humanity design, power cycling difficult, electric power car in three obvious advantages, with ride very comfortable and labor-saving (even if the power), in line with the characteristics of human motion, light green, is a high-efficient traffic and transport choice.

    This paper analyzes the study abroad industry standard power-assisted bicycle, based on domestic and foreign markets have been the product of an electric assist bicycle on the design of a new type of electric assist bicycle structure, which according to the user's foot ride pedaling force chain tension caused by "power - detecting means" detected pedaling force, and ultimately back to the control unit. The structure is simple, lightweight, innovative, low-cost advantages, will be specifically addressed in the text.

    Keywords  new type  electric assisted  bicycle  structural design 


    1  绪论 1

    1.1  电动助力自行车研究背景与意义 1

    1.2  电动助力自行车国内外研究现状 5

    1.3  本毕业设计要解决的问题 5

    1.4  本章小结 6

    2  新型电动助力自行车设计筹备 7

    2.1  日本、欧盟行业规范了解 7

    2.2  本毕业设计目标的详细设定 10

    2.3  本章小结 13

    3  新型电动助力自行车结构设计 14

    3.1  可行的电动助力自行车结构 14

    3.2  电动助力自行车结构的选定及分析 16

    3.3  本章小结 17

    4  所设计电动助力自行车三维建模 18

    4.1  三维建模软件的选用 18

    4.2  电动助力自行车整车建模分析 18

    4.3  电动辅助力控制及输出机构建模 19

    4.4  本章小结 21

    5  脚踏力的检测 22

    5.1  脚踏力检测目的 22

    5.2  脚踏力检测方案

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