

    在深入分析测试要求及测试前端输入信号特性的基础上,确定了冲击波超压数据采集模块总体方案,该模块主要由STM32主控模块、存储模块、USB通信模块及PC上位机组成。基于STM32F103C8T6微处理器设计了数据采集模块的主控模块、外围电路及USB数据接口电路;采用高写入速度非易失性FM25V20-G存储器设计了存储模块。采用C语言编写了冲击波超压存储测试数据采集模块下位机软件。介绍了数据采集模块各个功能模块的设计和实现方法。采用了预采样、负延时采样方式实现了全波形触发采集;采用内触发和断线触发两种触发,降低了误触发的几率,提高了系统的可靠性;采用DMA数据传输方式,实现了数据的高速采集。基于libusb和visual studio2010设计了USB传输模块和上位机程序。47868


    毕业论文关键词 冲击波  存储测试  数据采集  STM32  USB接口 


    Title  Design of data acquisition module for shock wave   overpressure storage test with USB interface.                      


    Explosion shock wave overpressure storage test has the advantages of small size, strong anti-interference ability, and no long lead wire. This paper designs a shock wave overpressure storage test data acquisition module with USB interface.

    On the basis of analyzing the test requirements. The module is mainly composed of STM32 main control module, memory module, USB communication module and PC host computer. The main control module, peripheral circuit and USB data interface circuit of the data acquisition module are designed based on STM32F103C8T6. Memory modules are designed using high write speed non-volatile FM25V20-G memory.

    The C language is used to write the slave computer software. The full waveform trigger acquisition was realized by using the pre sampling and negative delay methods. In the system, using internal trigger and disconnection trigger reduces the false trigger the chance and high speed data acquisition is realized by using DMA data transmission. USB transmission module and PC program is designed based on the libusb and visual studio 2010.

    The performance of the data acquisition module is tested and analyzed by the simulation test method. The experiment shows that the sampling frequency of data acquisition module can reach 655kHz and DC accuracy reached 0.15%. The upper computer can read and save the data at high speed. Realizes the voltage signal of high-speed data acquisition, fast read and saved. This design lays the foundation for the development of shock wave storage test equipment.

    Keywords  shock wave  Storage test  data acquisition  STM32  USB interface

     目   次

    1  绪论 1

    1.1  课题研究背景及意义 1

    1.2  国内外发展现状 1

    1.3  本课题主要研究内容和章节安排 3

    2  冲击波数据采集系统的总体设计思路 4

    2.1  系统总体设计分析 4

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