

    关键词  离心  搅拌  滑块导轨  结构设计


     Title A Three-dimensional Structure Design of centrifugal blender


    On the basis of the analysis of the function and performance of the centrifugal blender, also refer to a large amount of material, the general structure of the design scheme of the centrifugal blender is formulated.Through the small motor to drive the spindle rotation.The spindle is connected with the test tube support table. Test tube support platform rotates with the spindle. So the test tubes rotate around the spindle. This is the centrifugation movement. Drive the cam to rotate through the big electric motor. The cam is engaged with the tray of the small electric motor. The small motor tray is connected with the large motor casing through a sliding block guide rail. The cam rotates to drive the small motor to swing before and after. So the centrifugal part of the mechanism whole shake. It is the agitation motion. Finally using Solidworks for three-dimensional modeling, and draw out the2D engineering drawings.

    Keywords  centrifugation  agitation  Slide rail  structural design


    1  引言 - 1 -

    1.1 离心搅拌机简介 - 1 -

    1. 2离心搅拌机的发展状况 - 1 -

    2  课题介绍 - 2 -

    2.1 课题要求 - 2 -

    2.2 设计目标和设计思路 - 2 -

    3 离心搅拌机的总体设计 - 4 -

    3.1 总体设计方案 -4 -

    3.2 离心系统 - 4 -

    3.3 搅拌系统 - 7 -

    3.4 定位系统 - 10 -

        4 设计计算 - 14 -

    4. 1 离心机构主轴的强度校核 - 14 -

    4. 2 搅拌机构主轴的强度校核 - 18 -

    4. 3 轴承的使用寿命校核 - 19 -

    4. 4 滑块导轨摩擦系数 - 20 -

    4. 4 凸轮的受力分析和压力角分析 - 21 -

    结束语 - 22 -

    致  谢 - 23 -

    参考文献 - 24 -

    1  引言


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