






    Machine vibration will not only produce noise, accelerated bearing wear, or even seriously affect product performance and service life. To reduce or eliminate mechanical vibrations, balancing technology has become increasingly widespread in importance as a key technology to improve product quality.

    Dynamic test system of the present subject matter designed rotor dynamics, rotor dynamics basic theory as the main research method, as the primary means of vibration analysis. Through our team speed control to simulate a variety of single degree of freedom of motion of the rotor at different speeds.

    The system is pided into two parts, machinery and test, test some of the major complete range of testing needs to use a sensor selection and various stent designs.

    The system is a device rotor vibration simulation, mainly used for flexible rotor vibration phenomena. Can be described as major mechanical experiment teaching courses provide a convenient means for decoupling learn.

    Key Words:  Rotor; vibration; balancing; detection; Test System 


    2016届本科生毕业设计(论文) 1

    目录 2

    1 前言 5

    1.1 小型转子试验系统现状与发展 5

    1.2 转子试验台的主要用途 5

    1.3 选题背景,目的及意义 6

    2 设计方案的确定 7

    2.1 课题中的设计方案 7

    2.2系统拟定的一般原则 7

    2.3 确定最终方案 8

    3 测试系统设计 16

    3.1 测试技术的概述 17

    3.1.1 测试系统的组成 17

    3.1.2 传感器的组成 17

    3.1.3 信号调理 18

    3.1.4 数据采集 18

    3.2 传感器的功能 19

    3.3 传感器的类型选择及结构设计 19

    3.4 传感器安装 23

    4 机械部分设计 10

    4.1 支架部分的选择 10

    4.1.1材料选择 10

    4.1.2结构确定 10


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