





    Analysis and die design of the cover forming process of the portable tool box

    Abstract: portable tool box in our daily life has a wide range of applications, especially in recent years, more and more portable products become a family tool, the market demand is also increasing year by year. Injection molding technology is one of the core technology in the production of portable tool box, this paper studies optimization of injection molding process and mold design and manufacturing technology to get more high quality products have important practical significance.

    The mould design of injection mold design of the mold to portable tool box as the research object,in the fast flow model based,using UG three-dimensional mapping software. Mold design process to design molding parts, casting system,cooling system, the side core pulling mechanism, the introduction of institutions and so on.

    The design analysis of the process of injection molding tool box, determine the injection molding process parameters, selection of the J54-S200/1400 type injection molding machine, and the maximum amount of injection, mold opening stroke, injection pressure, lock clamping force etc. is calculated and checked.

    The three-dimensional design of the tool box, including the mainstream Road, a branch road, gate and cooling system, and so on were redesigned. At the same time, the structural design of molding parts, guide structure design, exhaust system design, and so on. Finally, through various checking, the mold can greatly enhance the production of.

    Keywords: injection mold, UG, mold design

    目    录

    1  塑料模介绍及国内外现状 1

    1.2  我国模具(塑料)工业的现状 1

    1.3  注塑模工艺上的发展 2

    2  塑件成型工艺分析及设备选择 4

    2.1  塑件的分析 4

    2.2  ABS塑料的性能分析 5

    2.3  成型方法及其工艺的选择 5

    2.4  注塑设备的选择 6

    2.4.1  计算塑件的体积和重量 6

    2.4.2  选择设备型号、规格、确定型腔数 7

    3  模具的设计 8

    3.1  分型面的选择 8

    3.2  浇注系统的设计 8

    3.2.1  主流道的设计 8

    3.2.2  分流道的设计

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