

    本文首先介绍了难加工材料与涂层刀具及其分类与化学物理性能。然后通过DEFORM软件,用4把单涂层硬质合金刀具分别对4种难加工材料共进行了16次切削仿真。4把单涂层硬质合金刀具是以WC为基材,分别采取TiC、TiN、TiCN、Al2O3为涂料的单层涂层硬质合金刀具。4种难加工材料:不锈钢AISI-316h(美国标准以下简称美标,中国标准0Cr17Ni12Mo2) 、钛合金Ti-6Al-4V(TC4) 、高温合金IN718(美标,中国标准GH4169) 、调质钢30CrNiMo8(2A)(德国标准以下简称德标,中国标准30Cr2Ni2Mo)。这16次的切削仿真,主要研究:刀具材料对切削力的影响;工件材料对切削力的影响;工件材料对切削温度的影响。


    (1)不锈钢AISI-316h 、钛合金Ti-6Al-4V 、高温合金IN718 、调质钢30CrNiMo8(2A),这四种难加工材料中钛合金Ti-6Al-4V的切削力最小,其次是不锈钢AISI-316h,接着是调质钢30CrNiMo8(2A),高温合金IN718的切削力最大。切削材料按其切削温度由高到低依次为:高温合金IN718 、调质钢30CrNiMo8(2A)、钛合金Ti-6Al-4V 、不锈钢AISI-316h。


    (3)不锈钢AISI-316h采用WC+TiN刀具切削时,切削力最小,切削温度最低。钛合金Ti-6Al-4V用WC+TiCN刀具切削,其切削力最小,切削温度较低。高温合金IN718 用WC+Al2O3刀具切削时,切削力最小,用WC+TiC刀具切削时,切削温度最低。调质钢30CrNiMo8(2A)采用WC+Al2O3刀具切削时,切削力最小,用WC+TiCN刀具切削时,切削温度较低。



    For nearly 10 years, along with the increasing use of difficult-to-machine materials,such as stainless steel, titanium alloy, high temperature alloy ,the modern tools already is not limited to high speed steel paper cutting tools and carbide cutting tools, coated tools gradually become the development in the future trend.

    This paper firstly introduced the meanings,classification,and chemical properties of the difficult-to-machine materials and the coated tools. Then through the DEFORM software, 4 single coating carbide cutting tools are respectively used to cut the four difficult-to-machine materials,which is 16 times cutting simulation. The 4 single coating carbide cutting tools is WC as base material, respectively take TiC TiN, TiCN, Al2O3 as coating for single coating carbide cutting tools. Four difficult-to-machine materials: stainless steel AISI-316 h (American standard, China standard 0 Cr17Ni12Mo2), titanium alloy Ti-6 Al-4 V (TC4), high temperature alloy IN718 (American standard, China standard GH4169), the tempering steel 30 CrNiMo8 (2 A) (German standard, China standard 30 Cr2Ni2Mo). Through this 16 times cutting simulation, we mainly studies the cutting tool material to the effect of cutting force, the workpiece material to the effect of cutting force and the workpiece material to the influence of the temperature of cutting.

    The simulation results show that: 

    (1) stainless steel AISI-316 h, titanium alloy Ti-6 Al-4 V, high temperature alloy IN718, adjusting quality steel 30 CrNiMo8 (2 A), during the four difficult-to-machine materials,titanium alloy's cutting force is the smallest, followed by stainless steel, then is the tempering steel, high temperature alloy's cutting force is the largest. Cutting temperature from high to low, high temperature alloy IN718, adjusting quality steel 30 CrNiMo8 (2 A), titanium alloy Ti-6 Al-4 V, stainless steel AISI-316 h. 

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