

    毕业论文关键词: 卡压装置;结构设计 ;三维仿真 

    Abstract Thin-walled stainless steel tube is a novel construction materials in China in recent years developed high-grade,Wide range of applications,Pressure connected to the card-based construction technology has also been widely.The entrapment connection definition is the use of external force to the pipe and pipe fittings compression deformation, and then rely on the internal rubber ring to play a role in sealing, so that the joints watertight.Designed primarily with the existing design concept, under the premise that meet the design requirements, design stainless steel tube compression device on the rack as a whole, the main steel plate welded closed structure, this structure and the convenience of no large-scale processing equipment andthe selection is mainly used 45 steel and other commonly used materials, the use of steel welding processes, and therefore, the production technology is better, the general machinery plant can manufacture. The design is mainly used in engineering graphics software such as CAD,Pro/E ,Pro/E software for 3D simulation.

    Key words: lateral pressure type; thermal-pressing machine; structural design

    目  录

    第一章 引言 1

    1.1卡压式连接的发展概况及现状 2

    1.2卡压式连接的特点 5

    1.3卡压式连接的发展带来的机遇和挑战 5

    1.4 CAD介绍 6

    1.5 PRO/E介绍 8

    第二章 卡压装置的结构设计 11

    2.1框架结构 12

    2.2钳口结构 13

    2.3导柱导套结构 13

    2.4工作台结构 14

    2.5传感器的选择 14

    2.7 激光探测器的选择 15

    第三章 动力源简要设计 16

    3.1液压系统工作原理 16

    3.2 液压缸的计算与选择 16

    3.3液压泵的选取 19

    3.4 电动机的选取 19

    3.5 阀类元件及辅助元件的选择 22

    3.6油箱的设计与计算 23

    3.7液压油的选取 23

    3.8 液压系统的回路简单分析 24

    第四章 电气部份设计 27

    4.1电气原理图 27

    4.2 电动机的保护 27

      4.2.1 短路保护

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