

        这次圆管带式输送机的设计是设计的一般过程, 对以后的设计工作具有参考价值。                       


    Abstract The design is a project about the pipe belt conveyor . First, it is introduction of the pipe belt conveyor.The pipe belt conveyor is made of six main parts: Drive Unit、Jib or Delivery End, Tail Ender Return End, Intermediate Structure, Loop Take-Up and Belt. Next, it is the design and calculation about choose main parts of belt conveyor. After, it is the check of computations about main parts. At last, it is the way of fix and maintence of the belt conveyor. Since pipe belt conveyor births ,it has been put it into use.It serves for cement plant mine industry power plant steel plant garage disposal and so on.Pipe belt conveyor is a special kind of belt conveyors developed from traditional trough belt conveyors. It has the advantage of sealed-up run sharp inclination transportion three-dimensional curve lay out and both-transportation. 

    Keyword: belt conveyor; Lectotype Design;main parts;Drive Unit


    第一章 绪论 1

    第二章  圆管带式输送机概述 3

    2.1 圆管带式输送机的应用 3

    2.2 带式输送机的分类 3

    2.3 各种圆管带式输送机的特点 3

    2.4 圆管带式输送机的发展 4

    2.5 圆管带式输送机的工作原理 4

    2.6 圆管带式输送机的结构和布置形式 5

    2.6.1 圆管带式输送机的结构 5

    2.6.2 布置方式 6

    第三章 圆管带式输送机的设计计算 8

    3.1 已知原始数据及工作条件 8

    3.2 计算步骤 9

    3.2.1 带宽的确定 9

    3.2.2设计线路布置参数 11

    3.3 计算有效张力Fu 12

    3.4传动功率计算 16

    3.4.1 传动轴功率( )计算 16

    3.4.2 电动机功率计算 16

    3.5输送带不打滑条件校核 17

    3.6输送带下垂度校核 18

    3.7 传动滚筒、改向滚筒合张力计算 19

    3.7.1 滚筒合力 19

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