

        针对目前国内的垃圾处理的现状调查,垃圾中存在的废旧电池是难以清理出来,本课题经上道工序将垃圾清洗处理后,该设备是筛选处理将废旧电池通过筛选的方法分离出来。根据毕业设计任务书给定的处理节拍10 的任务需求出发来设计该设备。利用solid works软件进行废旧电池筛选机的建模设计,并对建模中在实际应用中的可能出现的情况进行初步的分析并进行相关的修改。并对设计中的个部件进行理论计算校核。

    毕业论文关键词:生活垃圾  废旧电池  筛选  


    From the present situation of life waste handling discussed, analyzed the our country life waste treatment technologies and the present situation of optimal Faults, through the domestic and international living garbage processing technology, the contrast and analysis and our country life waste treatment of the present situation and the development trend, and points out that the future of the urban domestic waste processing technology development direction;And from life waste treatment technologies of the prospects of the development prospect, this paper mainly discusses life waste treatment technology of the significance of environmental protection. For used batteries current some processing technology and methods related analysis, and combining domestic and foreign relevant knowledge to the design of this I used batteries in dealing with the things what advantages. 

    This major work carried out are:

    In view of the current domestic and foreign trash research investigating the current situation of the development of research, and to present the screening a piece of garbage disposal of the simple introduction and analysis. And from the mission needs, and combining the existing conditions, using solid works software used batteries of screening machine design model, and the model in the practical application of what may happen in the preliminary analysis and relative changes. On slippery course axis of basic design, and the strength of the sliding rail axis of checking analysis. On the analysis of the basic screen design, and how to choose the material to screen the screen mesh for how to do relevant instruction. The speed reducer motors and access relevant books and online material to motor and reducer for related choice. 

    Keywords: Life rubbish ; Used batteries ; screening machine 

     目  录

    第一章    绪论 1

    1.1引言 1

    1.2生活垃圾概述 1

    1.2.1生活垃圾的概念及分类 1

    1.2.2生活垃圾产生量及特征 3

    1.2.3生活垃圾的危害 3

    1.3课题相关知识 4

    1.3.1国外发展 4

    1.3.2国内发展 5

    1.3.3我国对于改善城市生活垃圾处理回收方面的研究 5

    1.3.4废旧电池在垃圾中的危害 6

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