


    Abstract DEFORM-3D is a powerful robust simulation tool that uses the Finite Element Method (FEM) to analyze the three-dimensional complex machining processes. It provides a virtual testing environment in which engineers can study the influence of tool geometry, cutting conditions, and other factors on machining process performance. The high-speed turning process modeled uses DEFORM. With the help of the simulation tool, turning cutting forces prediction and the temperature distribution in the work piece and cutting tool chip flow, stress and force or power requirements are simulated. The result of the simulation is crucial meaning to reducing the need for production trials, lower development costs and shorter lead times for new products and processes. DEFORM-3D is an ideal tool for both cutting tool manufacturers and users who wish to study the effects of insert geometry and cutting parameters on chip formation and control. On the condition of DERORM-3D software for the finite modeling and analysis, this paper changes the parameters of the cutting tool , which is cutting speed ,the back of cut and feed rate, during the cutting process to study the force of the cutting and the cutting temperature. We could compare the results of the simulation with different cutting force and temperature .we  get the result like that: the back of the cutting have the greatest impact on the cutting force, while the back of the cutting accelerate 1 times, the cutting force increased by 1.5 times. While the cutting speed have the greatest impact on the cutting temperature.The research provides a good theoretical basis for the actual production of the cutting.

    Key words:three elements of turning;FEM;DEFORM; simulation

    目 录

    第一章 绪论.3


    1.2 金属切削的特点.3


    2.1 有限元法的简介.7

    2.2 有限元法的原理及运用步骤...7

    2.3 常用的有限元软件的分析比较.8

    第三章 基于DEFORM-3D的切削加概述.10

    3.1 DEFORM-3D-V6.1的简介..10

    3.2 DEFORM-3D-V6.1仿真的顺序..12

    第四章 模拟过程及后处理.13

    4.1 GH4169的概述.13


    4.3 材料模型设置 ..15


    4.5 运用DEFORM-3D对切削过程模拟仿真 ..19  4.6 模拟过程 ..25

    4.7 DEFORM-3D后处理过程 ...25

    第五章 仿真结果及分析 ...30

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