
    摘要本文在研究了尖顶和滚子从动件的几种运动方式后,以平面盘型凸轮中的直动运动为例,在Windows 平台上以VB作为开发语言,在统一的廓线、压力角、曲率半径、滚子半径等表达式下,开发出了一套适合平面凸轮机构的计算机辅助设计系统,该系统可同时实现凸轮机构的设计数据校核、凸轮廓线的设计、相关运动参数的输出以及直观的运动规律曲线及其实际廓线的图形输出等,并且通过VB编程,实现了模拟仿真凸轮机构的工作过程。50231




     Abstract In this paper, after we studied several different sports of the spiers and roller followers, we exampled linear motion of the disk-shaped cam and plat-forming to VB on the Windows which as a development language. We developed a set of planar cam mechanisms for computer-aided design system in an unified profile, pressure angle, the radius of curvature of the roller radius expression, which can achieve a cam mechanism for checking the design data, the design of the convex contour, the relevant motion parameters outputs and intuitive movement of the curve and the actual profile of the graphical output, etc., and through the VB programming simulated the cam mechanism’s working.

    The design based on the envelope theory and inversion method principle, by defining the basic parameters and selecting a different combination required to derive a flat disk cam mechanism common theoretical contour equation, which makes the convex contour coordinates calculation procedures greatly simplified.

    Also, four common law of motion are exampled, in accordance with its laws of motion expressions, combining in a VB programming, the corresponding equation of motion parameters directly call into the VB programs as long as the law of motion is selected.

    In this paper, we exampled spiers and roller follower of the flat disk cam mechanism, in accordance with its unified expression of various parameters, developed a straightforward computer-aided design system. And through the VB programming, a computer and a powerful computing speed function first be checked to against the relevant parameters calculated from the largely improve the computer-aided design system for the designer to validate the feasibility of the cam mechanism provides a certain help.Through an intuitive graphical output, we are providing a certain design basis to designers and combining text output for the actual processing of the cam which provide a solid data foundation.

    Key words: disk cam mechanism; computer-aided design system; VB 

    目  录

    第一章  绪论 1

    1.1 凸轮机构简述 1

    1.2 凸轮机构的分类 1

    1.3 凸轮机构CAD系统概述

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