







    This paper describes an actual production system problem - a series of automatic production assembly process of the cover and others three-pieces of capacitors ,which is mechanical design, electrical design and PLC design.The object mainly through the cylinder and vacuum cups to crawl the parts and assembly.

        Assembly automation have become an inevitable trend, because only through it can reduce costs, improve quality and reliability, but also for some products contain small parts, that can not be qualified as manual assembly, only to use automatic assembly, namely the use of appropriate technology replacing manual operation.

        In this subject, the capacitor to be assembled a silicone ring, rivets, cardboard consists of three parts. Silicone ring and cardboard middle compatible with rivet holes, to achieve automated assembly, it must accurately identify the location of the hole on the part will be within 0.1mm precision control in order to properly assemble the parts.

        The automation devices instead of rotary indexing plate disc with stepping motor and disc. Four stations have been set up around the disc . The first three stations were silicone ring, cardboard, rivets, handling and assembly; fourth station to prevent parts assembly is not fastened again pressed and remove the parts after pressing. Each step of assembling three parts simultaneously, greatly improve the production capacity and productivity.

        PLC design is the key to implement the entire automated assembly. In the four-position cylinder position sensor installed on the moving route, arrived at the designated location in the cylinder, PLC by controlling the solenoid valve to stop working to implement automated assembly.

    Keywords: capacitors; automated assembly; cylinder; PLC

    目   录

    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1 工业自动化和自动装配生产 1

    1.2 气动技术在自动化装配中的应用 2

    1.3 自动上下料机 3

    1.4 本课题研究的价值和意义 4

    第二章 课题概述 6

    2.1 待装配零件 6

    2.2 装配及生产效率要求 7

    第三章 装配系统的整体设计

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