
    摘要 气动技术是一个迅速发展并广泛应用于工业自动化领域,气动元件的流量特性的一个重要技术指标。气动控制系统和提高气动产品的质量模型的气动元件的流量特性的准确理解,中国气动工业发展具有重要的意义。气动元件的流量特性和澄清的意义和它们之间的关系是必要的几种方式,便于对意义的流动特性和参数的理解之间的转换。现在的测试流程的特点和更传统的测试方法,测试效率和精度低,因此,一个方便的设计,高精度的测试系统已成为一个重要的问题。本文就上述问题,深入分析气动元件的流量特性,并在此基础上设计流量特性测试系统,采用等温容器流动特性的新的测试方法比ISO6358节省时间和气体,利用等温容器的放气曲线来测量气动电磁阀的音速流导C 和临界压力比b,进一步促进等温容器的实际过程。论文共分五章:第一章介绍了气动元件流量特性测试的现状,然后介绍了气动元件的流量特性测试系统的研究意义。第二章是分析和研究气动元件流量特性几种试验方法,突出强调等温容器的节能优势。第三章介绍了流量测试系统的硬件设计,元器件的选型。第四章介绍了流量测试系统的硬件设计软件设计,界面的设计理念和操作观察方法。第五章是全文的总结和展望,介绍了自己的工作和研究的一些结论和流动特性做了一些展望。 51255


    Abstract Pneumatic technology is a rapidly developing and widely used in industrial automation, pneumatic components, flow characteristics of an important technical indicators. Pneumatic control systems and improve product quality pneumatic components model accurate understanding of flow characteristics, China pneumatic industrial development is of great significance. The flow characteristics of pneumatic components and clarifying the meaning and the relationship between them are essential in several ways to facilitate the flow characteristics and significance of understanding the relationship between the conversion parameters. Now the characteristics of the test process and a more traditional testing methods, test efficiency and low precision, therefore, a convenient design, high-precision test system has become an important issue. This article on the above issues, in-depth analysis of pneumatic components flow characteristics, and on this basis, the design flow characteristic test system, using isothermal container flow characteristics of the new test method than the ISO6358 save time and gas by using isothermal container deflated curve to measure pneumatic solenoid valve sonic conductance C and critical pressure ratio b, to further promote the actual process of the isothermal container. Thesis is pided into five chapters: the first chapter introduces the pneumatic flow characteristics test the status quo, and then introduced the flow characteristics of pneumatic components significance test system. The second chapter is the analysis and study of flow characteristics of pneumatic components of several test methods, highlighting the advantages of energy saving isothermal containers. Chapter III describes the flow test system hardware design, component selection. The fourth chapter describes the hardware design flow test system software design, interface design and operation of observation methods. Chapter V is the full text of the summary and outlook , introduced their work and research some of the conclusions and flow characteristics did some prospect.

    Keywords: Test system design; Test Guidelines; pneumatic components characteristic flow; flow characteristic parameters

    目  录

    第一章 绪论 1

    1.1 气动技术的特点及应用 1

    1.2 气动元件流量特性的测试的现状

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