






    This paper is to design the structure of the two NGW type planetary gear reducer.The speed reducer used in metallurgy,mining,lifting the transport,construction and other mechanical transmission.Through the study completed the design of the reducer. 

    First briefly introduces the background of the topic,the purpose and significance of gear research status and development trend of device and designed several sets of transmission scheme,through the comparison of various transmission mechanisms,which determine the basic type of transmission,then calculate the transmission efficiency of transmission level for design and calculation of main components.

    Then is the main component of the transmission mechanism comprises a design and calculation of wheel,planet wheel,ring gear and the planetary frame after the sun,given by the input power,transmission ratio,input speed and the condition factor to determine the approximate structure of the gear reducer,to calculate strength design and calculation of overall structure and main parts.And make a summary. 

    Finally,a summary of the entire design process,basically completed the design of the overall structure of the reducer.Two major features of this reducer:one,in order to make the load of three planetary wheels uniform distribution,the tooth type floating mechanism,so as to realize the float solar wheel;two,the ring gear and the box body adopts a separate type,through the pin with the upper and lower body are fix together.

    Keywords: Planetary gear,Driving  Machanism,Structural design,Checking calculation 

     目  录

    第一章  绪论 10

    1.1前言 10

    1.2 选题的目的和意义 10

    1.3 国内外研究现状及存在的问题 11

    1.4 发展趋势 12

    1.5 本章小结 12

    第二章  传动方案的确定 13

    2.1 已知技术参数 13

    2.2机构布局方案 13

    2.2.1 方案一 13

    2.2.2 方案二 14

    2.2.3 方案确定 14

    2.3齿形及精度 15

    2.4齿轮材料及其性能 15

    2.5 传动比分配

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