


    Design of the hot-melt molding working-platform

    Abstract:The hot-melt molding working-platform is an automated equipment, which uses the advanced technology of hot-melt to process some special raw materials, that combines machinery, electronics and electricity. The equipment is mainly composed of three different devices, which are called moving part, pressing part and electrical-heating part respectively.The moving part is driven by single-acting cylinder and guided by standard guide rail to transport the raw part to the fixed location. Then the product is melted and molded by the electrical-heating device driven by the pressing cylinder. Thereafter, the finished product is transported back and the above process is repeated. This equipment can circulate the motions of automated material delivery and automated melting and molding so that it improve the working efficiency and decrease the working intensity to a large extent. And we could process various products by changing the mould.

    This paper analyzes the working principle and main parameters and carries out the main design plan for the whole equipment, which includes the main material selection, structure analyses and basic calculations. 

    Key Words: Hot-melt; Automated; Electricity; Electrical-heating; Molding


    1.绪论 1

    2.热熔成型工作台的设计课题简介 3

    2.1 课题背景 3

    2.2 热熔成型工作台主要性能参数 4

    2.2.1 工件加工前后的主要尺寸 4

    2.2.2 上下模要求 5

    2.2.3 工作台及电热箱主要尺寸 5

    2.2.4技术要求与测试参数 5

    2.3 课程设计要点 6

    3.热熔成型工作台的方案拟定 7

    3.1 热熔成工作台的总体布局方案拟定 7

    3.1.1热熔成型工作台组成和各主要部件的作用 7

    3.1.2 自动循环的方案拟定 8

    3.1.3 总体布局的方案拟定 8

    3.2 总体布局方案 9

    3.2.1移动装置的方案拟定 9

    3.2.2气压传动元件选择 9

    3.2.3气压传动固定方式选择 10


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