


    本说明书共有六章。第一章简要介绍了模具行业的发展现状,和未来的大致发展趋势。第二章— 第五章,根据模具设计的基本步骤,分别进行了分析工艺、计算工艺、设计与计算主要零部件和选择冲压设备,最后对装配图和零件图进行了讨论。本说明书的最后一章总结了设计中遇到的问题和经验。说明书最后附有为本设计提供参考依据的文献


     Design of multi position progressive die bending core

    Abstract: the main research contents of this topic is of bent core multi position progressive die design, including the design of the blanking process analysis, the stamping process design and layout scheme of determining and pressure calculation, also can be familiar with the basic structure of the stamping die. The shape of the subject design is relatively simple, but also need from the material, size precision, etc. Considering the different design schemes, and then find a set of the most suitable solution.

    In recent years, in the Scientific Outlook on Development under the guidance of the manufacturing industry has entered a new stage of development, has made significant progress in the development of stamping process and die technology. I comprehensively consider the factors of their future work and direction of development, in the graduation design I chose punching and cutting material, bending, fall material, which is a typical progressive die structure design, in order to consolidate their professional knowledge.

    There are six chapters in this manual. The first chapter briefly introduces the current situation of the development of mold industry, and the general trend of development in the future. In the second chapter, the fifth chapter, according to the basic steps of the mold design, respectively, were analysis technology, computing technology, design and calculation of main parts and stamping equipment selection, the last of the assembly drawing and parts drawing are discussed. The last chapter of this specification summarizes the problems and experiences in design. Finally, the specification is attached to the reference of the design.

    Key words: continuous mode; material; precision; reference


    第1章绪论 1

    1.1选课的依据及课题的意义: 1

    1.2冲压的基本概念 1

    第2章冲压件工艺分析 3

    2.1冲压件材料分析 3

    2.2冲压件结构工艺性及分析 3

    2.3模具结构形式和选材 4

    2.3.1模具结构形式 4

    2.3.2模具材料选择 5

    第3章确定冲压工艺方案 7


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