    摘要: 铆接机是一种结构精巧的通用性压力机,依据冷辗原理研制而成的一种新型铆接设备,主要靠旋转与压力完成装配,通过对金属胚件施加强大的压力使金属发生塑性变形和断裂来加工成零件。主要应用于需要铆合的场合,常见的有气动、油压和电动,单头及双头等规格型号。其优点是用途广泛、结构紧凑、性能稳定、操作方便安全和生产效率高等。气动式铆接机是由气液增压缸、工作台、控制逻辑阀等组成。采用气动和液压进行出力,3KG—7KG的气源可达到1吨到100吨的高压出力。目前,中国电器行业的铆接车间,绝大多数都是采用人工铆接操作,生产效率低,质量难以保证,严重阻碍着电器业的发展。本论文主要介绍的气动式铆接装置通过气动控制,对下轴承和阀芯进行铆接连接紧固。通过对装置的设计和改进,提高生产效率和生产安全性,进而以高效、优质、敏捷的方式生产。关键词: 气动式;自动化;铆接机;压力机;气液增压缸。8006
    The Design of Pneumatic Riveting Device
    Abstract: universal press riveting machine is a compact structure, a new type of riveting equipment developed based on cold rolling principle and become, mainly complete the assembly by rotation and pressure, by exerting a strong pressure on the metal blank of metal plastic deformation and fracture to processed into parts. Mainly used in need of riveting occasions, common pneumatic, hydraulic and electric, single and double, specifications. The utility model has the advantages of wide use, compact structure, stable performance, convenient operation, safety and production efficiency etc.. Pneumatic riveting machine is composed of gas-liquid pressurized cylinder, working table, the control logic valve. Use of pneumatic and hydraulic output, 3KG - 7KG source can reach 1 tons to 100 tons of output voltage. At present, the riveting workshop China electrical industry, the vast majority are using artificial riveting operation , the production efficiency is low, it is difficult to guarantee quality, a serious obstacle to development of the electronics industry. This paper mainly introduces the pneumatic riveting device controlled by gas, the bearing and the valve core is riveted connection fastening. By improving the design and equipment, improve production efficiency and production safety, then the production of efficient, high-quality, agile manner.
    Keywords: pneumatic riveting machine; automation; press; gas-liquid pressurized cylinder.
    目 录
    0 论文摘要:    3
    1    绪言    6
        1.1气动式铆接机的现状和研发    6
    1.2自动化设备的现状、水平和发展趋势    6
    1.3机械手的研究现状、水平和发展趋势    7
    1.4课题研究的意义    8
    2    气动式铆接装置的设计依据    10
    2.1课题简介    10
    2.1.1 课题要求及设计要点    10
    2.1.2 铆接件简介    10
    2.2设备组成    11
    2.3设备数据要求    12
    2.3.1 运行环境    12
    2.3.2 动力输出    12
    2.3.3 测试电源输出    12
    3    气动铆接机的方案拟定    13
    3.1工作台方案拟定    13
    3.1.1 工作台方案一    13
    3.1.2 工作台方案二    13
    3.2全自动动作循环的方案拟定    14
    3.3总体布局的方案拟定    14
    3.4机械手设计方案拟定    15
    3.4.1 下轴承装入工位的机械手方案拟定    16
    3.4.2 废料去除工位的机械手方案拟定    16
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