




    Abstract The project of shipbuilding has the characteristic of change a lot of products, wide equipment matching area, and complex building process, difficult cost control, and long construction period. Therefore need decomposition on naval architecture and Marine engineering, reduce the difficulty.

    Production design is a crucial part of ship design. It provides a working drawing and management chart as the basis of site construction guidance. Design and production, is in order to reduce the construction difficulty, shorten shipbuilding cycle, improve the quality of production, is expected to bring more profits to the shipyard. Production design including the basic structure, makeup, misty, etc.

    This article is about production design that based on the current situation and development of bulk carrier and ship production design combined with the production ability of the shipyard, in line with the production flow, a viable production design is generated for the 301 subsection of 27500 cubic liquefied gas carrier bottom cargo hold from the detailed design, and to determine the construction scheme of the section and the fabricating process. And for the global shipbuilding industry and China's shipbuilding industry development has made some analysis, also introduces the global shipbuilding technology. There are, of course, the development status and prospect of liquefied gas ship made some discussion.

    Keywords: Liquefied gas Carrier; Production Design; Building Program; Shipbuilding Technology 

    目   录

    第一章绪论 1

    1.1研究的背景 1

    1.2国内外研究现状 3

    1.2.1国外研究现状 3

    1.2.2国内研究现状 4

    1.3研究的内容和意义 7

    1.3.1研究的意义 7

    1.3.2研究的内容 8

    1.4主要内容及结构安排 8

    第二章  液化气船的概述 9

    2.1引言 9

    2.2液化气船的分类 9

    2.3液化气船的特点 9

    2.3.1 货舱区域的分隔 10

    2.3.2 起居、服务及机器处所和控制站 10

    第三章27500立方液化气船货舱底部301分段生产设计 12

    3.1  27500立方液化气船建造方针 12

    3.1.1  概述

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