    摘   要 水面无人艇(unmanned surface vessel,简称 USV),是一种可以通过智能化控制实现无人操作的水面舰艇平台。它主要用于代替人类去执行一些危险的或者人类无法完成的任务,如军事勘察、情报收集、排雷、反潜作战以及常规巡逻、打击海盗、打击恐怖势力;海上搜救、船舶导航和水文地理监测等。USV 航行性能中的快速性是衡量其性能优劣的重要指标,操纵性和耐波性作为重要的航行性能对USV的安全航行及经济效益有着很大的影响,为保证 USV优良的航行性能,对 USV 进行航行性能优化就必不可少。本文以多学科优化理论为基础,选择小水线面双体船作为优化船型,主要进行了以下几个方面的工作。 (1)通过上网及查阅相关文献,收集国内外 USV及小水线面双体船的发展情况与优化设计研究现状,完成了论文的开题报告。 (2)选择了一艘总长为89m 左右的小水线面双体船作为研究对象,根据小水线面双体船的结构特点确定了快速性、操纵性、耐波性作为航行性能优化设计的子目标函数,确定了它们的设计变量、目标函数、及约束条件,并以快速性、操纵性、耐波性子目标函数通过加权积的形式构造了航行性能优化的总目标函数。  (3)以母型船为参考,画出船舶型线,根据型线在 CAD 软件中建立了船舶的三维实体模型,然后导入到数值仿真软件 FINE/Marine 中进行了不同吃水、不同速度下的阻力计算,并进行了比较分析,计算结果表明小水线面双体船在高速时兴波阻力小,阻力性能良好。同时为该船型的阻力库建立做准备。 (4)介绍了主流的几种优化算法原理,并重点介绍了遗传算法的优化过程及算法优缺点。 (5)以其他船型的优化程序为基础进行修改,使之适应于小水线面双体船船型及数学模型。而后进行了大量优化计算,分析比较了遗传算法、混沌算法、复合型算法以及以它们为基础构造的混合算法的优缺点,加入了分层、并行改进策略对算法进行了改进。最终找到遗传+复合形算法对本文船型的优化效果最好。  58419
    毕业论文关键词:水面无人艇(USV) ;小水线面双体船;航行性能;优化设计;数值仿真计算
    Abstract Surface USV (unmanned surface vessel, called USV), is a new type of intelligent unmanned surface vessels platform. It is mainly used in place of humans to perform some dangerous or humans can not complete the task, such as military reconnaissance, search, survey and clearance; anti-submarine combat, as well as conventional anti-special forces combat patrol, combating piracy, and terrorist forces; maritime search and rescue, marine navigation and hydro-geological monitoring and other military and military missions. USV Navigation Performance Fast is an important measure of its performance advantages and disadvantages, maneuverability and seakeeping performance as an important navigational safety of navigation and USV has a great economic impact, in order to ensure USV excellent sailing performance, USV performance optimization voyage  is  essential. In this paper,  based on multidisciplinary optimization theory, choose SWATH as optimization, mainly for the following aspects of the work. (1) Through the Internet and relevant literature, collecting  the  development of  SUV and SWATH design studies and optimization of the status quo all over the word, complete the opening report to the dissertation. (2)  I  selected  a  length of 89m SWATH  as an object of  study,  determine the rapidity, maneuverability, seakeeping as sub-objective function  navigation performance  optimization design  according to the structural characteristics of maneuverability SWATH,determined  the design variables, objective function and constraints of them, and to the rapidity, maneuverability, seakeeping sub-optimization objective function is constructed in the form of weighted product overall objective function navigation performance optimization.   (3) Drawing a profile of the ship based on the dimensions and coefficient  from the best optimization algorithm,  creat  a three dimensional solid model of the ship CAD according to  profie, then imported  it  into the numerical simulation software FINE / Marine carried a different draft resistance at different speeds calculation results show that SWATH’s  good resistance at high performance.  It is  verified  the reliability of the results optimization  when  compared  the resistance value and the calculated optimization results, both errors in the controllable range. (4)It introduced several mainstream algorithm optimization principle, and focuses on the genetic algorithm optimization algorithm and the advantages and disadvantages. (5)  In other ship-based optimizer to be  alterd  to adapt to the optimization  of SWATH. Then calculating a lot of optimization, analyze, compare the advantages and disadvantages of genetic algorithm, chaotic algorithms, complex algorithms as well as their basic structure of layered hybrid algorithm, added layered, parallel strategies to improve the algorithm. Finally found the genetic algorithm optimization  plus Complex herein is the best way for our ship.
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