

    毕业论文关键词: 迷宫盘片;降压;气蚀

    Optimum Design of Labyrinth Pressure Regulating Valve

    Abstract:In the field of modern industrial automation and control, the control valve, also known as the control valve, is controlled by the adjustment control unit output signal, by means of power to change the media flow and pressure and other process parameters of the final control components. According to the part drawing and the modeling software, the flow path model of the fluid flow inside the valve is simulated. Then, the internal flow of the valve is obtained by numerical analysis. The law of flow. According to the analysis of the situation, an improved method of increasing the number of discs and the number of runners is put forward. After the flow simulation is carried out, the results show that the improved structure can reduce or avoid the effect of cavitation on the valve to a certain extent. The future structural improvement provides a theoretical basis, which can reduce some unnecessary repair operations, thereby reducing the maintenance costs and improve the economic efficiency.

    Key Words:labyrinth disc;decompression;cavitation

    目  录

    1  绪论1

    1.1  课题背景 1 

    1.2  研究的意义1

    1.3  气蚀1

    1.3.1  气蚀和闪蒸2

    1.3.2  防止气蚀破坏的方法2

    1.4  多级降压3

    1.5  国内外的研究成果4

    1.6 调节阀的分类 4

    1.6.1  串级式降压调节阀4

    1.6.2  多层套筒式降压调节阀4

    1.6.3  迷宫式调节阀5

    1.7  迷宫式盘片 6

    1.7.1  迷宫式流道降压原理6

    1.7.2  迷宫式盘片结构7

    1.8  设计内容8

    1.8.1  结构设计8

    1.8.2  流体模拟9

    1.9  创新点及难点分析 9

    2 迷宫式调节阀设计计算10

    2.1  阀体的设计和计算10

    2.1.1  阀体设计的基本内容10

    2.1.2  阀体的结构设计10

    2.1.3  阀体壁厚及其计算11

    2.1.4  阀杆的设计与计算12

    3  流体流动与气蚀模拟的数学模型与数值计算方法18








    4  流场实体模型的建立与计算网格划分23


    4.1.1  调节阀流道实体建模23

    4.1.2  迷宫盘片流道实体建模24

    4.2  网格划分25

    4.3  边界条件与相关参数的设定27

    4.3.1  流体介质参数设定27

    4.3.2  湍流模型设定28

    4.3.3  边界条件的设定28

    4.4  计算收敛性分析29

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